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Image Comments posted by brian_ellis19



    Someone said "the photo is B&W, probably trying to achieve old age effect. It would be better in color. B&W tone is depressing."
    I couldn't disagree more with this statement. I think the tones are beautiful and I think they suit the model's pensive expression and pose. They're somewhat unusual and so they cause the portrait to stand out from the thousands of color photographs we see every day. I also think the point of view from which the portrait was made is very effective, again because it's different from the typical "straight on, head and shoulders" portrait that's so common. I don't think that "different" or "unusual" in and of themselves are necessarily qualities that should be automatically praised. It's easy to be different, unusual, and not very good. But when the aspects of the image that are different and unusual contribute to the effectiveness of the photograph, as I think they do here, then they deserve praise. Overall I think it's an excellent portrait.

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