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Posts posted by ae_clifford

  1. Hey,


    Ok, I feel kinda dumb now about the "Exposed" only meaning that you're at the end of the roll - but oh well, at least I now know! :)


    I will definitely check those latches (THAT was the word I was going for but couldn't quite come up with!) and make sure they are properly in position.


    Thanks again for all your help.


    If I get a good shot out of the next roll, I'll be sure to post!



  2. Ed,


    I doubt I'm loading the film inside out - I would think that's pretty hard to do, even for someone like me!


    Also, when I first got the Yashica-Mat a year and a half ago, I had no problem loading the film, just taking it out - and when I used it, I had someone not as clumsy as I take the film out for me and those rolls came out perfectly fine.


    But I figured it was time I learned how to remove the film on my own!


    I think it was the first two pictures which came out on the roll I spoke of above - and the rest was blank - I'm not terribly concerned about that roll because it was with the Holga, and let's face it, the Holga is pretty unreliable anyway, and I believe the back fell off at one point so that's probably the problem.


    My main concern isn't really that the pictures didn't come out on that roll, but that I am risking exposing future rolls due to my inability to unload the film.


    Like I said, I am probably just really clumsy -


    But I am interested in my point above whereby the film says "Exposed" on the inside just past the end of the film - about in inch in - once I see that, is the film really and truly exposed? If so, then that negates Doug's point above about there being a few more wraps before the film is exposed.


    I ask because as I said, I am having trouble keeping the end of the film from fluttering about while I pull the roll out of the camera and get the end moistened and stuck down. I can't seem to do this without seeing those words "Exposed."


    I don't know how the film actually turned out because I haven't developed it yet.






    P.S. Yes, the shutter opened, I removed the lens cap (I may be clumsy but I'm not an IDIOT), and as far as I know, the exposure was correct, and if not, it was at least in a relative ballpark and not completely off). Also, it appears that the film is indeed starting correctly.

  3. Thanks for your responses.


    It appears that I am indeed loading the film correctly according to Doug's response.


    And yes, I can see how I probably am over winding as I can hear when the film winds into itself.


    The thing is - Doug, you said "Don't worry overly much about the film, as it's several wraps of paper away from getting exposed" -


    Here's the thing - on the film I have (I think I was using Kodak), within an inch of the end of the film, it says "Exposed" - so if I can see that, doesn't that mean that the film is exposed?


    If so, I thought it a little weird that there was not that much lead before the film became exposed.


    Also, I know that the Pentax has that little lever thing on the bottom of the camera which you pull to loosen up the film compartment and make it easier to get the film out - I must be doing something wrong though because I still feel like I have to go through a lot of effort and wiggling around to get the film to pop out.


    I will try the suggesting tilting method.


    I guess it's one of those practice makes perfect situations - so I will have to play around with some film I don't care about and see if I can get a hang of it. :)


    Thank you.



  4. Hello,


    First, let me start out by saying that I have researched the archives for an

    answer to this question but haven't found one that directly addresses my issue

    so I do apologize for posting something which in part has already been



    I have just gotten into medium format photography. I have been playing around

    with a Pentax 6x7, a Holga, and a Yaschica-Mat.


    On all three cameras, I have problems unloading the film which makes me think

    that the problem is ME, not the cameras :)


    The issue is the following:


    After I have finished a roll, I wind it a bunch of times (last time on the

    Pentax, I did it about 45 winds), and then go to take the film out.


    What happens is that sometimes the tab of the film is facing me, in which

    case, I try to continue to wind it so that it's on the back side.


    Either way, when I go to take the film out, I find it impossible to get the

    canister out without loosening the roll, and thereby exposing the film because

    the end of the film starts to curl back.


    I haven't tried the thumb method yet that some people discussed in another

    string about this - I will do that next.


    But I am wondering if (a) I am not loading the film correctly in the first

    place which is making the film too loose; (b) could it be a spring problem on

    all three cameras and should I attempt to correct this on all three cameras?;

    or © am I just clumsy and do I need to keep practicing to get the hang of it?


    It seems that I just can't easily get my hands on the spool to pull the film

    out without messing up the film.


    Thanks in advance for your help.



  5. Thank you to all that replied -

    Funny, I came across the Butkus from another photo.net forum on something else but then it got lost in my research so I'm glad someone suggested it.


    Douglas: When you say change the view finder - do you mean from regular to waist view?


    Special key, huh? I didn't see a key anywhere - I had to get film and a battery today, so I'm going to play around with it tonight and see what happens/if I need a key....


    I've read varying opinions on whether or not the Pentax 6X7 can be used effectively as a hand-held - what's your take? Is it just a matter of preference/opinion?


    Also, this may sound really dumb - but I've been seeing a lot of talk about mirror-lock up and it's importance - is there an easy way to tell if the two cameras I have actually are MLUs? I thought maybe it would be obvious once I actually fired - which I haven't done yet because I needed the film and batteries - right now when I look through the viewfinders on both cameras, I can't see anything - looks like the mirror's down.


    One of them I could see through and then I loaded some film and tested it but it seized up/blacked out and I figured I needed a new battery.


    Backs - ok, so the advantages of backs is ... to have the flexibility to be able to work with several types/speeds of film?


    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.


    Thanks again for your help/suggestions!



  6. Hi,


    I am new to medium format. I just inherited two old Pentax 6X7s, a bunch of

    corresponding lenses, at least two backs, and a bunch of other stuff - and I'm

    really excited - BUT ... I have NO IDEA how to use any of it...


    I can load the film, so that's at leaset a start... ;)


    I don't have a user manual or anything for the cameras, so other than the

    obvious controls, I have no idea what all the dials and stuff are for and I

    have no idea how to use the backs.


    So, I'm wondering if anyone has a good book recommendation or a website

    recommendation to help me get started.


    Any advice greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.



  7. Hello,


    So, I've been reading all the threads about bags, and there's tons

    of great info here...however, I am feeling a little overwhelmed.


    So I'm hoping if I pose the following question, someone out there

    can give me a concise answer (if at all possible!!) :)


    I'm leaving for Europe next week; I need a camera bag.


    Is there a bag that will hold my digi SLR, my 35mm SLR, a medium

    format camera, and my Nikon Coolpix (smaller, older version) which

    I'd like to use as backup/almost like a polaroid....




    that will function like a sling/backpack for easy access so that I'm

    not stopping every five minutes to get the right camera out.


    NOW, I know that another solution would be to just get two

    bags...and carry all my stuff on the plane in one bag, and then go

    out and about with a smaller bag...EXCEPT...that I don't necessarily

    want to leave my equipment unattended in my hotel rooms, AND knowing

    me, I'll want all my stuff on me at all times to ensure I get as

    many shots as possible.


    So does such a bag exist?!?! Thanks.


    Oh, and I'll be carrying only 3-4 lenses.


    Thank you!



  8. Hi,


    I have a Canon Digital XT, and I'm considering buying a wide angle

    lens for my trip to Europe in two weeks.


    The lenses are I currently have are the kit 35-80mm, a 50 mm and a



    I have been reading up on the posts here about wide angle lenses, so

    for those of you that have participated in writing or answering

    those posts, forigive me, but I was really confused.


    Basically, I don't have a lot of money to spend; I'm pretty much

    looking for the lowest (but still decent...if there is such a thing)

    wide angle...esp. in light of my upcoming trip, and related expenses.


    Any and all information greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.



  9. I just bought a Yashica TLR - however, I didn't realize it didn't

    come with a film back.


    To all of you more experienced photogs, these may sound like dumb

    questions, but i'll ask anyway (a) do you have to use a Yashica film

    back on this camera, or can you use another type of film back; and

    (b) if you have to use a Yashica film back, where's the best place

    to get one? I haven't had luck on ebay thus far.


    Thank you.



  10. Hi Paul,


    Thanks for your quick reply.

    So, I am thinking that I'll definitely stick with Canons at this point, therefore, investing in their system.


    If I understand you correctly, any EF will fit any Canon, but any

    EF-S will only fit a limited range of cameras.


    Re: "a lens that will give me better closeups for the abstract stuff

    I like to shoot"

    Ok, oops...what i meant to say was, I would like a longer lens to bring far objects in closer...

    However, I'm not locked into this idea...

    So, you think that the EF 50mm/1.8 is a good transition/first additional lens to have at this point? I agree, the lens that came w/ the camera is pretty much crap...haha...

    Also, I meant to put in my earlier post that I'm not opposed to the idea of just getting a new camera altogether if my chances of getting a better lens w/ the purchase are high...and then work from there.

    Does that change your recommendation at all?


    Thanks so much for your input.



  11. I have an old Canon EOS Rebel (film) from about 15 years ago...it's

    in great condition; I just never got a lens beyond the standard EF

    35-80mm, 1.4-5.6 zoom that came with it; now that I'm getting more

    serious about my photography, and have gone back to film from

    digital, I figure I should invest in a better lens or lenses before

    buying an altogether new camera. Although, theoretically, it would

    be great if whatever lens or lenses I buy now could be used on a

    future camera.


    I am mostly looking for a lens that will give me better closeups for

    the abstract stuff I like to shoot, so I would say better zoom is my

    first priority. Wider angle would be second on my list, I guess.


    Any advice greatly appreciated.





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