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Image Comments posted by robert_bedwell1



    Lovely capture. I particularly like the tone that you have used. Her skin tone is marvelous which all kids this age have but on this one it looks perfect.


    I typically use my gut reaction to an image as my best one. The first things that I noticed were the pattern on her dress as it relates to the grass. This busyness pulls the eyes to it first and the beautiful girl second. The next thing that I noticed were her feet. However this is a capture of this young girl that is also very realistic and will be cherished by her parents I am sure.





    But you've got it in spades!


    Some photographers have vision and an eye for composition and subject but don't have the technical skills to record it. Fortunately you have both. I looked at your gallery and it is excellent.


    Tibor has a feeling of peace and nostalgia. The soft lighting sucks you into the image and keeps the attention of the viewer. The only thing that would make it better is to see the image in 24 x 36 format and I would stand there for a long time admiring the art.


    Don't put down your camera!

    man and cow


    I love human interest photography. I love faces and the history that becomes evident in the lines in the face. I love photography that makes the viewer stop and sped time viewing the image. Your subject does hold the viewers attention. The lighting is extremely difficult but you seem to have captured it well. I think it is natural for the eye to be drawn towards the lightest part of a photo and the bright background does draw your eye away from the shot. I would like a little more lightness in the face to prevent this from happening less. Next we get into relationships from a photojournalist standpoint. I am not sure what the cows have to do with this man. Not a big deal however.


    On a ten scale I would give this one a 6-7. Very well done.

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