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Image Comments posted by leon_schnell

    Lions - Rand Show


    My photography has taken a back-seat for a while, but this is one of the first

    photos I've taken with my awesome new little bridge camera. A 30x zoom

    comes in real handy sometimes, yes?


    Beautiful pic that really capture the cold atmosphere! About the only things I'd change on it is to clone-stamp out the thin black line in the left foreground, which distracts a bit from the car tracks, and also wait to get a car heading towards you (preferably with the headlights on). The reason I say that is because the car has to balance out the left-hand side of the photo, for me, and heading away it seems a bit distant and obscure. Hope that helps.

    Spring buds


    Walking from my car I happened to look up and see this, and I liked it

    enough to go into my house to fetch my camera for it. I played around

    with the composition quite a bit, but I was wondering if there's

    anything I could have done to improve it (fill flash didn't look good

    at all)?

  1. So this photo resulted from the following settings on my 30D: ISO100,

    50 minute exposure, f6.5. The crappy 28-90 lens I'm using at the

    moment doesn't have an infinity setting marked on it, so I had to

    settle for focusing the lens manually by twisting the ring all the

    way to the left. Looking at my fantastically fuzzy tree in the

    foregrond, I'm wondering whether the stars would still be sharp if I

    focused on the tree instead? I'm also planning to increase my

    aperture a bit for the next attempt to get rid of the the extra glow.


    Thanks for any suggestions!


    Very good - colour, composition, facial expression...everything. Just one question: was your DOF really that shallow, or did you add a bit of blur afterwards?
  2. Nice photo, and it works well as it is! If you look long enough at it, it almost starts looking like a face. If you want a different crop I'd try a portrait shot with the nest at the bottom, and some empty space at the top (especially if that light from above falls on the back of the scene as well). Just for interest's sake, is that a bit of flash I see reflected in the eggs?
  3. They say you should never photograph a child from above, but then again "they" say a lot of things. I'd recommend photographing her from her height (i.e. bend down a bit), because this will give her a better power-relationship with the camera, as well as cutting out the sandy ground which isn't too flattering. Photographing in early-morning or late-afternoon sunlight will also give you brighter colours, compared to the rather faded shade it looks like you were shooting in. Otherwise, good moment captured!

    Katy [BN]

    Crikey. When you have a model like that, you're guaranteed to not have a bad photo. More constructively, although I like the balance between the model on the right and the walkway on the left, the receding walkway competes with the model for attention. Even though the walkway is blurred out I still find myself staring down it, and then when there's nothing there I have to return to the model. If you could find something to put at the end of the walkway that adds meaning to the model, and perhaps use a deeper depth of field (though not necessarily), it might be stronger overall. Just my thoughts.


    It's a beautifully textured shot, but nothing in it hints at the ICT aspect of the guy. If it's a business portrait, surely that should be worked in somehow? Otherwise great photo!


    As a photo-journalist my lens is practically always on f8, so a "focus lock anywhere on the subject" normally works OK. In this case, I'm guessing probably the bird's shoulder.



    I just had enough time to get a snapshot of this bird sitting on a

    white fence, against a white background, before it flew off. Editing

    the levels in Photoshop I experimented with different white-points,

    and accidentally hit upon one that gave me this image (so it's not

    really manipulated). I think it's turned a pretty mundane photo into

    something a bit more interesting...does anybody agree with me?


    It's a pity it's not sharp. I'm guessing you zoomed in and the shutter speed was too low? If you get another chance at this shot you should try moving physically closer, as well as zooming in until the guy with the gun fills the frame (the background's not particulary inspiring here). If the shutter speed is too low see if you can move your subject into the sun, or increase your ISO (digital noise might actually add texture to this image). That's what I'd do anyway - maybe I'm just suffering from a bad case of the emperor's new clothes :)



    I know many people who don't like photographs with eye-contact, but

    it is definitely becoming a theme in many of my photographs. I find

    this photo particularly piercing, because I don't expect a look like

    this coming from a child of this age.


    PS: Please ignore the hasty lightening. I'm normally more careful

    with it, I swear :)

  4. It's a nice photo, but like Robert Capa said: If it aint good enough, you aint close enough (or something like that :) ). Like the other guys suggested, a closer crop also helps. You didn't give much to work with, but here's a quick landscape which I think works OK. Otherwise very nice pic!


    Sunnie 02


    Using the same model for a number of shoots is a great idea, and I'm always interested in seeing the new ways you decide to photograph your models each time. Some of your photos of the same model are surprising though, because they are so different that they almost look like different models. Do you ever photoshop your models to look so different? I can hardly believe that the following two photos of Sunnie are purely the result of a different angle and lighting
    Erm...it seems my two images have disappeared from my host. While I get them back up, they were crops from Sunnie02 and Sunnie06.



    I really like this photo. Just a suggestion - how would it have looked if you'd added a black and a white colouring-in pencil on each side of the set you already have (you might have to take one or two out to make space). That way you'd have the black and white mimicking the photo, but with the colours inbetween (giving added meaning to the overall picture).


    Just a thought. It's great as it is though =)

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