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Image Comments posted by gary_rees1

    Standing Apart

    Great shot! Really nice find. Was the ground cover at top right darker? Almost looks like vignetting, but no other corner is affected. Also could try unsharpen mask to reduce a tad of fuzziness in the tangle of plants on bottom right. Love the photo! : ^ )

    cold springs

    Chris, to me, this photo needs no help. It's a gorgeous shot. And you did the right thing... if you had not cropped off the right the water would not be centered. Well done! : ^ )

    cold springs

    I commented on the crop because your dimensions are neither 4:3 nor 3:2, the standard image sizes from a digi cam. Your dimensions are nearly 2:1, which is a portrait-oriented pano. I love the shot in the dimenstions you chose... just assumed the original was wider than what you have posted ans wondered how you came to the decision to make it narrower. : ^ )
  1. Wonderful choice of subject. Love the variety of details. If "dusk" is key, perhaps more contrast is in order? I can see more vivid contrast, and perhaps more saturation, should post-processing be in your toolkit. Did you crop this down or is it a pano? The band of white paint at top is a bit troubling. Just wondering if you cropped less if it would change the lines?? Very nice photo! : ^ )


    Wow, this is a stunning pic. The bit on the bottom left and the white line leave a lot of concern over whether the driver's going to recover the turn. However, I'm really distracted by whatever is beneath and above the right side of the spoiler. I can't make out what it is, and I'm left spending a lot of time trying to work it out. The vehicle and setting (wet!) are so powerful, I'm wishing for another shot that didn't include the odd background.


    This is a wonderful photo. Excellent composition and chock full of detail. As an SLR beginner I can't offer anything about what settings would have improved the contrast. But I saved a copy and played with Curves and Unsharpen mask in PS Elements to get some interesting results. We're losing the cool detail of the reflections in the windows on the right without compensating for the darkness. Dunno how you feel about post-processing, but maybe give it a shot. : ^ )



    Very nice trio. Great lighting artifacts in all three pix... I especially like the spectrum behind the guitar on the left/first photo. I imagine it was difficult to capture this without excessive motion (you have some -- her left hand -- on the shot on the right). A nitpick: the photo on the left is slightly higher than the middle and right and your borders on 1 & 3 are thinner on the left, at least in this size.


    Well done! : ^ )

  2. FWIW, Drew, I'm also new here and trying to get involved by providing feedback. Soooo many photos to check out. I like this quite a bit. The lines work great. The glow at the topmost section of the cliff is a little distracting. Not sure what post-process produced that. What height was the cam when you took this? One of its strengths, to me, is the amount of beach in the near field, relative to the whole composition. : ^ )


    Very nice. Well composed. The line the viewer's eyes follow is compelling and quite natural. No suggestions for improvement. : ^ )


    Very nice shot. And yes, great colors. Only distraction is the pixelization in the sky. Did you post-process this? That may explain how it became apparent. Perhaps try selecting only the part below the horizon for post-processing and using a different method for the sky.

    sky is mine

    Cool photo with perfect composition setting the figure's arms on the ridges. Did you try a 3x2 version, cropping out some of the dirt at bottom? To me the dirt is unintersting and deserves less attention.

    Mosaic Tower

    That's a really nice shot, Michael. Good choice of composition. The black pole on the left and the lights behind the window there take away from the photo, to me. Did you try cropping and changing to portrait orientation, with just the building and trees?
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