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Posts posted by chris_s.2

  1. <p>Used at f/2-f/4, depending on the desired degree of OOF or sharpness, this lens makes a perfect portrait lens! Some of my best, most pleasing portraits, especially with available light, were taken with this lens. To nail the focus if used wide open, must use with an M3, or a later M with a .85 viewfinder, or viewfinder magnifier on other models.</p>
  2. <p>If Luis means that Cosina lenses are spotty in terms of consistency of quality control, I will concur, however, my experience with the 35/1.2 is extremely different. I find the lens to be absolutely brilliant! Not too difficult to focus if one has a viewfinder magnifier, so sharp where it needs to be and very nice bokeh in the OOF areas. The 50/1.1 is a more of a "specialty" lens that some love, while others can't stand or can't manage the weight. The 28/2 has been heaped with praise, but I find my copy to be a bit disappointing. My widest M lens is the Zeiss 21/4.5, an excellent lens as mentioned before.</p>
  3. <p>A good question, Jim! When I do an impromptu survey of images taken with a 90mm lens by folks who shoot with Leica, I mainly see the 90mm Summicron in greatest use. Usually the next most used lens is the old 90mm Elmarit!</p>

    <p>Without going to great lengths to elucidate the qualities of the Summicron lens formula, I think the Summicron in all the various focal lengths delivers the most distinctive image in B&W or color every time the lens is shot wide open. I'm willing to bet that if you were to take pairs of identical shots, one with a Summicron and the other with another lens formulation (eg. 90Summicron vs 90Elmarit-M, 50Summicron vs 50Elmar, etc.) at full aperture, 4 out of 5 dentists would choose the Summicron image (or at least, see the difference).</p>

    <p>For almost a decade, my kit consisted of an M4 and M3 bodies and the trio of 35/50/90 Summicrons. When I thought I needed to lighten my load, I got a 90 Tele-Elmarit, but I never used it and sold it, because the images from the 90Summicron were that much better.</p>

    <p>Like I said, my survey is totally informal and as with everything else, your preference may vary.</p>

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