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david lamb

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Image Comments posted by david lamb

  1. You may be right on the tilt to the right, it was a dizzying affair out there trying to keep painting and sky apart whilst trying to catch the raven dozing and keeping track of the blonde disappearing into the night on the right....Dave



    Great to hear from you ! Love your title, I was just drawing a blank.

    The contrast, who can say, I find my taste frequently changing. I made this a touch dark to match his apparent mood altho I now like your version too, brighter & more detail to see. Thanx, Dave


    Kraig....was having just an average day but now a great evening after discovering not one but two terribly interesting & fun pnetters, the rest of life ? who knows but with renewed inspiration will march on.... Thankyou, Dave



    I'm honored you noticed my picture.

    Yes I used a light gaussian blur on this & yes I think he's just trying to get comfortable waiting his turn ! but it did make for an unusual pose. Wish I could've gotten more on the left but in the heat of the moment.....Dave

    Little Cowpoke


    Gary & Roy, you both have made my day and a special thanks to your daughter, Gary. I hoped this picture would evoke just such feelings. Dave.

    Roy, nice to see you back, any new pictures ?

    Cooke's Peak


    Edward, I've seen your portfolio & I'm flattered that you enjoyed my photo.

    Juan, cropping,cropping what cropping ? I can't believe it, this is as shot. Mucha gracias. David


    Juan, so sorry, I understood exactly what you meant and got a kick out of it, I was just trying to be humorous and guess I didn't do a very good job, hope you're not offended. As to size, I usually print on 13x19 & figure it should do fine that size and maybe somewhat larger. Thanks again, I do appreciate your comments mucho. Dave



    Thanks Michael, I like this one better also.

    Haleh & Jack, I agree it's tight on the right, unfortunately this is as shot & not cropped so I'm stuck with it...I'm flattered you all have taken an interest. Dave

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