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Image Comments posted by kinofrau2004

    Sad Christmas

    I'm presenting on my last assignment today, which is series. As for the mood and gesture, the only photo she seemed to like of mine was a self portrait.
  1. I almost got an A on this one too...almost...


    I'm a Computer Science major and I'm doing better in my 400 level programming classes than my 100 level art. haha


    This was my professor's favorite photo of mine out of the stop sign group.


    Oh, yes, and it was again very open ended.

    Sad Christmas


    It was pretty much just mood and gesture. I got my grade today. 91% on this assignment, which not only makes PHOTO 100 my worst class so far, but it also means my major GPA will actually be higher than my real GPA. haha, I guess you'll have that.


    The picture my instructor told me to turn into the art show is actually my least favorite picture so far. I guess you'll have that too.

    Sad Christmas


    haha, wow, thank you. That's the first critique I've received. I'm presenting the pictures today.


    And I'm glad he isn't dead too. A zookeeper came and revived him with a bag of kettle corn. :-)


    UPDATE: I presented the pictures. The only one the professor mentioned was my least favorite...the one of me looking off to the side. She sure loved that one.

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