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babak niai tizkar

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Posts posted by babak niai tizkar

  1. <p>@<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2403817">Rodeo Joe</a><br>

    Thanks for your response.<br>

    The Yashica angle finder seems quite pricy. Maybe I'll find a cheaper option...<br>

    Finding any accessory for Mamiya apart from their original parts is a tricky not-so-tested business. And you're right that there is a general focusing problem with any angle-finder but what other real options are there, right?? I'm going to the local photography store soon and try to match the 645's view finder size with any of the dslr's. That way I'll be able to find something close (think Canon's Ec-C size is the closest match)<br>


  2. <p>Don't make the same mistake I did - I travelled to Tehran thinking there will be plenty of 120 film to buy and didn't take with me any extra packs. Bad Idea...I searched the entire city but could not find one single film. The main theme of the search was how pissed off the sales clerks where when I said I use a film camera. They just refused to accept it and time and over again argued I have to buy a digital SLR of some sort "as it improves my photography"... hehe<br>

    I think countries like Iran and Marocoo have moved quite rapidly, with the fall of digital camera prices (and plenty of global trade politics not to mention), into the mainstream market and sort of evaporated the past (at least that's the case in Iran). That makes it very difficult if even possible to find 120 film. The upside to this is that you can find real bargain deals with old medium format systems (I bought a Mamiya Sekor 45 mm f/2.8 in good condition for less than $100).<br>

    I would definitely recommend you to bring plenty of film and don't risk it. Marocco is a beautiful country and you'll need plenty of film to capture it.<br>

    Happy Holidays<br>


  3. <p>I myself went back to film photography 6 months ago and have no regrets what so ever. I brought a 645 Pro TL, which i think is a very good camera for both indoor studio and outdoor field work. I process the film at a local photography store and scan them with my canon 8800f. <br>

    The process from taking a shot via photoshop or darkroom to a finished printed photograph takes obviously much longer than digital photography but it is for me at least much more enjoyable and creative. <br>

    As with any portrait equipment (both digital and film) I argue that the choice of lens is the most important factor for a good shot. But I would in your case recommend the Mamiya RB67 for its fairly modest price-tag and excellent photographic quality. Mamiya lenses are plentiful in quantity and range (mm&f./) compared to other brands which always makes it easier. </p>

    <p>Good Luck and hope this helped!<br>


  4. <p>Hello all!<br>

    I am looking for a angle finder that fits the AE-prisma FE401 PRO on my 645 Pro TL. I need it for some specific outdoor shots. I know of two models that have universal fittings: <em>Hoodman H-RAV</em> and <em>Seagull 1x-2x Right Angle Finder. </em><br>

    Does anyone know if any of these or other models fit the AE-prisma? <br>

    Appreciate any help!</p>


  5. <p>Thanks for your responses.<br>

    I tried a bit of all by removing and reconnecting the prism finder and the film back and it seems to have worked. It seems the prism finder just needed a restart. Got a bit worried for a moment....<br>


  6. <p>Hi all!<br>

    I have a Mamiya 645 PRO TL with a FE401 AE Prism Finder which I recently brought on ebay. The equipment looks and feels brand new. After a day of shooting the Prism finder keeps stating Over light no matter what setting and light condition. It was working perfectly fine during that day but seems to be stuck somehow- What can be the problem?<br>

    Thanks for any responses.</p>


  7. Hello fellow photographers!


    My question is turned mostly towards you solo exhibitionists: How do you go

    about picking out a topic for a photographic exhibition?


    I am planning to have a exhibition (nothing is finalized yet) and I am having a

    difficult time chosing a suitable topic to work with. I have some vague ideas

    but I am not sure how to actually determine if they are strong enough for a

    solo exhibition or not;


    one idea was to capture three different professions wich are using

    objects/machines to work with. It becomes a question of scale were the first

    profession has a much bigger machine to control and gradually the scale changes

    to someone with a much smaller object to use. The idea is to show that scale

    does not neccesarly change the way we use various objects.


    I would appreciate any comments or ideas!


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