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Posts posted by basil_pope

  1. The response to this thread, both in sentiment and image, is

    impressive, humbling and appreciated. Hopefully, the thread will

    continue to illicit such strong images.


    The experience of the transcendant defies limitation by any one image,

    person, place or book. The "non-pop" Christ is the Cosmic Christ, the

    experience of whom leads us through the struggle to become who we are,

    which is who we ought to Be.


    Oh - and Basil and Raymond are one and the same person ;-)<div>00Foax-29091884.jpg.97d228fc3b317161a17afacdcffedded.jpg</div>

  2. Love the photo of the market!


    All religions have their "marketing" side - very true. Still, behind

    the shallow and often kitschy insipidity of mass marketed trinkets and

    baubles, there is a deeper authenticity.


    That which is "authentic" - I would suggest - is that which motivates

    toward a deeper relationship with others and awareness of one's place

    in the cosmos. Rather than pandering to ego and whim, the authentic

    challenges to "spiritual" growth, which necessarily involves both

    personal ethics and communal engagement.


    Which is a lot to say it has to be making us better people,

    individually and as a group.


    Of course, around the edges there are plenty of folks who are glad to

    turn a quick buck (or peso) from those who find in the objects they

    sell a kind of embodiment of their experience.


    Thanks for the provocation to deeper thought.





  3. In a previous No Words forum, Christianity was described as a pop-

    culture religion. While I am Christian, I also agree with this

    evaluation of contemporary Christianity.


    However, being a former Christian monk, and having explored the

    amazing diversity of Christian expression both ancient and modern, I

    also know there is far more to Christianity than the current

    "Evangelical" pop-culture form.


    Thus, I would like to invite anyone to post photos depicting the more

    profound, authentic and meaningful expressions of Christian faith that

    reflect its deeper character.


    Please, no images of "youth rallies", Megachurch circus shows, or

    college kids wearing Jesus t-shirts. Find images of power, depth,

    mystery, and grace that represent the sacred, not commercialized self-



    Pax (peace)


    Raymond St. George<div>00FoIY-29079284.jpg.b54f7c50e53174f2b12c8e27be4af755.jpg</div>

  4. I am Christian. Christianity has become Pop Culture. It is not a

    "hated minority" but a self-indulgent and self-absorbed majority. You

    won't see Buddah, Shiva or Mohammed on a coffee mug.


    The images of non-Christian religions and world views presented here

    are powerful testimonies to the enduring beauty, dignity and holiness

    of the authentically Sacred, even if one does not believe in a deity.

    I am indebted to you for starting this thread.


    It has also inspired me to start one of my own, and I will find an

    image I can contribute to yours.


    May you always be aware of the Sacred, and may Holiness remain with

    you on all your life's journies.




    Raymond St. George<div>00FoHq-29078984.JPG.3b7ad5029d0803c13e38b6a41ae72baa.JPG</div>

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