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Image Comments posted by shutterbro



    Very nice photo, i like the photo itself, but my for my tastes I would have preffered the compostion without the centerfilter on it. I see that you are trying to focus the viewer in on the bridge, it just seems a much. You may have been able to get the same effect with a shot wide open on the aperture and a tight focus with maybe a short telephoto in on the bridge, would have given put the attention on the bridge.


    Without center filter 5/6

    with 4/5

  1. Great photo, would give it a 6.5 for aestics and 5.0 for originality,


    The comp is awesome the contrast is great and overall awesome photo. The only reason i give it a 5 for originality is because ive seen antelope canyon or other slot canyons photographed many times ( not B and W though). Peter lik made millions off of antelope canyon. Other than that awesome photo.


    curious what setup did you use



    those 1st 2 ratings are way off... pretentious raters i'd be willing to bet...


    to your pic... this is great... i am no way a pro nor a photo critic but in my eyes the pic does it for me its got great lay out, cool images ( kind of sexy and raw at once) interesting... i like the chin with the dripping cofee


    keep shooting



    Thanks for the comments this is a Pirate art installation here in houston... a group of artist took a condemned bilding and took the siding off the side and constructed a vortex like hole straight through the center....




    i love the art of turning something mundane, ordinary, and something most of us see on a daily basis and making it look cool with compositon and style.... great job


    wow thanks and nice photos you look like a person worth meeting i love the elephant or zoo abstract and thanks for the critique i am going to darken i like the darkened better as well


    The first to ratings are way off i think the compositon is outstanding the ater blast almost sucks the rest of the picture in . i would have livend uo the colors up a bit ir even warmed them other than that cool pictures.
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