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Image Comments posted by ndt_photo

  1. This is a great shot, though I think I prefer the postures and expressions on the first of these two...


    One nitpick - I understand you are trying to use the image of the Polar Bears floating as a statement on global warming (even without seeing the title) but I feel this image would have a stronger impact if there was a longer view into the distance, looking out over open water, even if there was land visible in the far distance... Also the left edge of the image could be cropped so the next ice float isn't visible...




    Love the out of focus bits in the background, might have been nice to see the flower from a lower angle so it 'rose up' and contrasted against the brighter background more...

    Whitney Sunset


    I second the idea to try a square crop and lose the brightness in the sky. I don't mind the dark foreground, it adds contrast that make the mountains seem brighter.


    Attached is a quick crop in PS...


    Wine waves

    Very nice, maybe try a crop at the top where the orange turns to gray, when I was screen scrolling this composition occurred and it seems right...
  2. The easiest way to spot this is a manipulation is when shooting lighting, people typically use bulb mode and it yields a somewhat long exposure, minimum 1/2 sec if you're lucky and you get a strike right after pressing the shutter. But in this image the waves are frozen, indicating a fast shutter, and I'd be willing to bet the photog didn't just 'get lucky' with the lightning strike.


    That said, this is a good pic that didn't need the lightning added. Next time make sure everything in the image is static or composite it into a long exposure image. it will be more 'believable'...

    Agora of love


    Great moment, pity about the Hummer limo and crowd around it. If this was a spontaneous street shot, you did well catching the moment, I know it's weird to walk around a scene like this looking for a better angle! Maybe they would have been cool and ignored you though, I'd have tried to get a direct side shot, maybe with them slightly out of focus and sharp on the ground below & in front, with a heavily out of focus backdrop behind them. That what makes art great though, the infinite possibilities.


    Sometimes when I'm bored I do quick edits to convey my ideas... Added lens blur layer up top, and did a slight vignette to pull the eye to the center.



    How long was the exposure? It looks it needs just a bit more time so the water loses any definition at all. The upper area looks a bit overexposed too, maybe try doubling filters & adding a Grad ND on top of the ND. I love these kinds of shots, they lend themselves to black and white so well too, keep working on them.

    Visiting winter


    First off - awesome photography Ceslovas. It takes much more creativity to assemble photographs to convey an artistic vision than to just hike into the woods and take one shot. As a new style photographer, using a DSLR and Photoshop to output to a inkjet print. It is rare that people can compose photos to make them seamlessly blend to the trained eye, but when they do they should be applauded for being at the top of their game in their chosen field of art. (That said, this is clearly made of composites) For years painters and other artists have used reference photographs to pick elements to assemble into images on canvas, when are we going to afford this luxury to actual photographers?

    Mesa Arch

    Nice view through the rock. I like your answer to the previous post to go wider... I too am limited in lenses so I have to make them work for the places I go... As for the technical aspects, it is a bit washed out colorwise in the foreground. Maybe lower the overall contrast and up the saturation? I would crop the upper left out too so the top of the image is 100% rock.



    6/6 - Great image, maybe could've gotten lower and made the strawbales rise higher against the horizon... I cropped it square and it feels more abstract, not a big fan of the house on the left.


    A shoe fixer


    Great expression, love all the included details around him... 2 things that jumped out though were to lose the white door frame on the left edge. Since you digitized this frame try skewing the upper left until it disappears. I attached a version I did myself. Also, very minor, I always like titles with "The' instead of 'A' - so 'The Shoe Fixer', I don't know, it just seems more grand :-).

  3. As the commenter above me wondered, I felt it was off symmetrically too and maybe the angle was not possible but in photoshop it is :-) So I flipped the bottom portion of the image so the fence leads in from the left. I also discovered that the dividing line between the edge of the lake and the mountain is a pixel perfect straight line. Did you tweak the image already to make this so?


    Anyway nice shot, I like the B&W version better, that purple is just too much, maybe try gradient mapping some pink or other sunrise colors in? I actually took some liberties with that too in PS and will post below...


    Why is that fence there anyway? Overzealous property owner?



    Love the shot, the blur, the contrast, I just can't make up my mind if I like the kid in the upper corner - his black gear plays off the black legs of the lower person, but is he necessary beyond that or at all?

    Midday meal


    I want/need to see more of the meal (since it is part of the image's title) and less of the sky. 2/3 of this image is sky, which I can look up and see any day from anywhere. It's the bottom portion that I don't have access to in my daily life. Well, I do have access to a meal! You know what I mean...


    Sorry, I like this image, I just feel like photo.net is a bunch of backslappers that doesn't help each other along, like a shy photo club :-) I am just trying to add my piece and move things forward...



    Nice framing but the house/shed feels a bit too close to the leaves. It needs just a tad of separation. If you have the tools you should play with getting the water more blue, if manipulation is ok by your standards, it will make the leaves pop more.


    Sorry, I like this image, I just feel like photo.net is a bunch of backslappers that doesn't help each other along, like a shy photo club :-) I am just trying to add my piece and move things forward...



    I like straight B&W IR - it's already bending the visuals enough, false color is just that - False, other than the sky being blue I can't relate to these images, but when you go B&W you throw out those ideals and start anew.


    Sorry, but I like this image, I just feel like photo.net is a bunch of backslappers that doesn't help each other along, like a shy photo club :-) I am just trying to add my piece and move things forward...

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