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Image Comments posted by cdebrier

    A Man

    A first glance I would have said: "Why did you post this picture? The man looks like he does not really agree...". But finally, why not, it makes a powerful picture at the end. Nice shot, otherwise I would have expected the dog and the guy to be inside the frame.


    That's a good one. An unexpected and creative point of view of religious learning. Maybe it would have been better, in my opinion, if the light wasn't so bright (and burned). Bouah, religion is a question of finding the light, isn't it...


    The Mona Lisa renewed ? Nearly the same expression in your model face ; I'm impressed, really. A mix of melancholy and expectations, sprinkled with joy. The more I look at it, the more I like it !

    landing goose

    Nice bird, well captured, but unfortunately, in my opinion, colors do not bring anything to the composition (maybe better in BW?) and eyes are attracted by the orange feets. Originality is debatable also. However, nice technique !

    Night Ride

    Thanks for sharing your feelings (which in fact are quite similar to what I feel myself)! I'm happy that you like this shot. People to whom I showed this picture before where generally not so convinced by the shot :o)
  1. I appreciate it like that personally. Even if empty, the sky adds an equilibrium within the colors used. However, this is mainly due to the gradient used, from my point of view. Nice shot, I like the composition.
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