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Image Comments posted by justinguy

  1. I like this landscape, when i saw all the thumbnales, it stood out to me! I think its well balanced and i like the black and white VS colour. to bad the sky/water didnt have anymore texture, it would have looked a little more dramtic.


    By the way I am going to Lansing, Mi June 3rd, i have never been there before, is there anything of intrest there? (if you've been there)



    The colours are amazing, the blue is so bright and beautiful! I think this is a great shot! btw could you take a look at my pictures, i need input, thank you!



    bay in morning


    I like this shot! The contrast between the clouds/sea and the land are beautiful! One suggestion though, if there were anyway for you to use a slow shutter speed so you could show the movement of the water i think it would have greatly improved this shot. Its a great shot never-the-less. Good job! BTW could you please check out my pictures, i need input, thank you very much!



    night time


    THe colours are beautiful and composition is perfect! Great shot! Its great how the light is going through the fog, it adds a scary/ horror film feel to it. btw if you have a minute, please take a look at my pictures, i neet alot of input. Thanks alot :)




    First off- Great shot! Secondly- i like how your eye is drawn out to my mountains by the dock. Colours are beautiful, everything is nice. I like shot shot alot, its so peaceful!

    Fern Leaf

    Hey, this is a good shot, but i think if you did some work on that little fern (made it the same colour and brightness as the bigger one) or took it out all together it would improve this photo quiet alot.

    Cool Colors


    I have always loved lightning shots... what was your exposure? I am having a hard time getting a good shot of lightning. This shot is composed really well, but i think the lightning bolt on the right side thats fait is quiet distracting from the rest of the picture. Could you check my pictures out and comment, i would appreicate it.



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