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PhotoNet Pro
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Posts posted by m_akin

  1. <p>Hello my friends,<br>

    I would like to buy a new digital camera for 1500 dollars.Which one do you recommend_Nikon d7000 or Canon eos 60d.? Canon has a virtue as ( The Vari-angle wide LCD helps frame shots from difficult angles, and can be positioned with Live View enabled to achieve the desired composition if shooting isn’t possible using the viewfinder.).Is it really important?.Thank you .Best regards.</p>

  2. IN MY LIFE, I've met with so many people, witnessed so many events and been to countless places. Some of these were good, some of them were bad, some beautiful and some ugly. The effects of all these, joined together with my dreams and desires, made me who I am. As a result, thousands of pictures were born on my mind and spirit which are unerasable...and hopefully as long as I live they will continue to be born. Now I am searching for these pictures. When I meet them by chance, I take their photos and share with you. In my opinion this is the art of photography and being a photographer
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