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Posts posted by rhs

  1. I was browsing through the web for fast standard zoom lenses and stumbled upon the Tokina 28-80 ATX.

    The Nikon lens in this category - 24-85 / 2.8 wes not getting very good reviews. And lots of people were suggesting the Tokina as a very good alternative.

    Any comments?

  2. Thanks for the answers, but I forgot to mention that I already own a 50mm/1.8. I am truly looking for a standard zoom, which could be the one stayin on the camera for most of the times.

    What about 3rd party lenses? Or would you really stick to Nikon lenses?

  3. I'd like to replace my 18-70mm (kit lens) with a fast lens (2.8). I

    don't like to use flash, so that's the main reason.

    Don't care too much about the wide-angle (I don't photograph too

    much of lansdscape). I saw that most of the standard zooms start at

    24mm. That's ok. I'd rather have a more zoom in the end.

    I often hear that you should buy the same brand as your camera

    (faster focus). Is it true?

    Any suggestions? I am waiting for my yearly bonus to come in, wo why

    not buy something new for my camera?

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