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Posts posted by das_plumas

  1. I was a student at the San Francisco Art Institute when Jock was

    there, busy trying to stir up controversy with his images of young

    people in nudist camps. Feminists were very offended and

    upset, you should have heard the name-calling! This was years

    before he was prosocuted and received a lot of press. What I

    saw in his work was always provocative but seldom very

    interesting beyond the depth of the skin of his subjects.

    What I saw was a photographer dragging around his 8x10

    camera and asking his subjects to pose in the brightest light

    available which caused their eyes to squint and other signs of

    discomfort on their faces. They appeared comfortable with their

    nudity but uncomfortable with the photo session! My conclusion:

    If the people were fully clothed, Jock would appear very

    amateurish in his photographic approach.

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