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Image Comments posted by jam_pasion



    Took this photo last year on my neighbor's yard. I never really noticed

    them before but now I am looking forward to this year's bloom. Thanks

    for looking.



    I found these fungi growing on the bark of a Red Maple among the moss

    and lichen. The largest one was approximately 5mm wide at the cap.

    Thanks for your comments and possibly I.D. of the fungi.

    Little Flower

    Thanks guys. I took this shot with selective focus basically being the main idea. The flower has lines on its petals that lead the eye to the single area in the middle of the flower that is in focus - or not? I guess I'll try for more DOF next time. Perhaps wide open aperture at this close a shooting distance - almost life-size - is asking for too much. Too bad it won't be until next spring when these little beauties reveal themselves again.

    Little Flower


    Just thought this was one worth sharing. View larger to reveal the

    pollen. Shot with a Tokina 90mm f2.5 macro(Nikon AI) with a lens

    mount adapter for Canon. Dark background from heavily shaded azalea

    bushes. C&C encouraged and highly appreciated.


    I did some sharpening with Canon DPP set to 4. The iso was set to 800. The most challenging part with this shot was getting good focus. There is a lack of contrast of course because of the stacked t-cons but I think it is definitely useable. The Canon 300 f4 IS is a great lens and I could highly recommend it to anybody looking for a versatile lens - for macro and some birds. Thanks for the comments guys.



    While waiting for my 500 f4 I shot this with a Canon 300mm f4 IS

    with stacked canon 1.4x and kenko 1.4x and a 25mm tube. Effective

    aperture ~f11.



    Shot this last year at the Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve early

    in the morning, the only time of day these flowers are open.

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