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Posts posted by jam_pasion

  1. <p>This was taken at the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge this weekend.<br>

    Nikon D200, 500mm f4p, tc-301, Feisol CF Tripod and Manfrotto long lens support.<br>

    The pictures here keep on getting better every week!</p><div>00UZDA-175213584.jpg.029e38e5c0b9dcc8c44660a1cb3ef7b1.jpg</div>

  2. <p>Hello, Wednesday! And Everybody!<br>

    These birds have become my favorite subjects this summer. They are quite a curious bunch and would fly right past me. Sometimes I could hear them zip by.<br>

    Anyways, took this with my birding combo - Nikon D200, 500mm f4p with a tc-14b, Feisol CT-3342, CB-70h.<br>

    Late afternoon light on the background with the Cedar Waxwing in partial shade.</p><div>00URn2-171273584.thumb.jpg.07bb8153742e9967dab6fdf5c2a0d406.jpg</div>

  3. <p>This was from yesterday morning. Found this damsel fly on a blade of grass waiting for the sun to dry it up.<br>

    Nikon D200, Sigma 180mm macro, 1/5s @ f16 ISO200. Feisol CF Tripod and CB-70H head.</p><div>00UNwQ-169477684.jpg.c6daf4b8d0b3c10e6cc44c3b7bbaf5e1.jpg</div>

  4. <p>This is a pic taken in my backyard vegetable garden. The sunflowers are finally blooming! I used one of my favorite yet least used lenses.<br>

    Nikon D200, Sigma 24mm f1.8 @ f2.2. ISO100.</p><div>00UKEt-168049784.thumb.jpg.e558d69ddd1aadc1f3758346db8df404.jpg</div>

  5. <p>I appreciate the lively discussion going on here. I think I may actually get an opportunity to try out this combo (200mm f2 vr and tc-20e) this weekend. My local shop has a used 200mm f2 vr that was just traded in. I will post some images and let you guys know what I think. Hopefully I get some good weather and cooperative subjects. I will try out your recommendations as well - Canon 400mm f5.6L, Nikon 80-400mm, Nikon 300mm f4+tc-14e.<br>

    And as for digressions...I don't mind as long as it stays in the ballpark. Which in this case I think did.</p>


  6. <p>I am intrigued by this lens teleconverter combination. Unfortunately, there are not any local shops that actually have this lens in stock so trying it out is not possible. Hence I turn to the wonderful people of photo.net for some guidance. I shoot a lot of birds and other wildlife and I was thinking of using this combo mostly for larger birds(water fowl), mammals. Maybe some birds in flight as well. Thanks.</p>
  7. <p>An amazing array of styles and subjects. Woo, hoo! It's Wednesday!<br>

    I don't have anything recent. This was from a few weeks ago.<br>

    A tiger swallowtail captured with a Nikon D200, 500mm f4P and a 2x t-con. 1/160th @ f16 ISO400.</p><div>00UGHI-166485584.jpg.6a16d00057f9e4fba0ab1c44017f03f5.jpg</div>

  8. <p>Another Wednesday cornucopia of unique and creative images!<br>

    This is one of my 'feeder' shots. Taken this weekend. A woodpecker - Nikon D200, 500mm f4 p with TC-301 1/50 @ f11 Cloudy W/B. Feisol tripod CT-3342 and ballhead CB-70H.</p><div>00UCUR-164671584.thumb.jpg.ef56f28f49ad8ed6a95f59bce6d9aff5.jpg</div>

  9. <p>Awesome shots from everybody...yet again!<br>

    Back to the birds! This was taken this weekend at Island Beach State Park in New Jersey. I was trying out the tc-301. Nikon D200, 500mm f4p, 2x tc @ f11 1/320s. No crop, no sharpening. Feisol tripod CT-3342 and ballhead CB-70H.<br>

    I am guessing this is a flycatcher. A bit too small to be a Kingbird.</p><div>00U8iH-162137584.jpg.b600e070a55ceb309c8246c1ffc42c22.jpg</div>

  10. <p>Changing gears here a bit. This was taken this weekend at the NJ Festival of Ballooning at Solberg Airport in Readington, NJ.<br>

    Nikon D200, 35-70mm f2.8D AF 1/500s @f4.5 70mm</p><div>00U4u4-159851584.thumb.jpg.0bb76c1323b99b8080050e3df46a4937.jpg</div>

  11. <p>I have been shooting a lot of birds lately so here is another. One of my backyard regulars. I was playing around with fill flash. Nikon D200, 1/250 @ f8, 500mm f4 p, tc-14b, Metz 54mz-4 @1/64 output.</p><div>00U0wk-157273584.thumb.jpg.17ceab2a5dc21fd8cad043cbce6f2e32.jpg</div>
  12. <p>Here is a capture from this weekend. I just happened upon this flock of Cedar Waxwings by a pond behind a local convenience store. First I thought they were Eastern kingbirds by the way they were flying and catching bugs. That is until I looked through the viewfinder of my D200 with my Nikkor 500mm f4 p with a tc-14b t-con. First time I ever saw these little guys. Wish I could have gotten closer. Time to get a blind!</p><div>00Twje-155025584.jpg.80fed772a32959d3592cdf72ca487c95.jpg</div>
  13. <p>Here's one from this weekend's early morning trek in the meadows at a local park. Turns out I came home with more than just images. I had six ticks coming for a ride as well. Now for the specs: Nikon D200, Sigma 180mm f3.5 macro @ f8, 1/500s, iso 800. Great contributions from everybody!!!</p><div>00TorF-150207584.jpg.5c0b1b7c41fca78315ff137287d423eb.jpg</div>
  14. <p>Pedro - love the door<br>

    Aaron - great abstract of that tunnel<br>

    Kent - awesome composite<br>

    Waldemar - neat black and white of that bug. I have to try that some time<br>

    Walter - quite sensuous!<br>

    Darren - the human tripod. Cool HDR!<br>

    My photograph was taken this weekend at a local preserve. This picture sort of reminds me of one of those Faberge hand-painted enamel jewelry pieces. Shot handheld so there is a little blur. Fortunately not quite visible at this size.<br>

    Nikon D200, Tamron 90mm f2.8 Adaptall-2 1/100s @ f5.6.</p><div>00TknA-147929584.jpg.6c1755680558a197bed4892fdfb4f3d2.jpg</div>

  15. <p>I had this problem also with a Tamron 90mm f2.8 but it was in the rear lens group. Cleaning would have cost me a lot of money but fortunately Tamron sells replacement parts at reasonable prices $26 - less than a cleaning! See if perhaps you could just replace the lens groups infested with fungus.</p><div>00Tk7g-147553584.thumb.jpg.ae8630fe41d569b42d66e8499133903c.jpg</div>
  16. <p>I have used both of these lenses and the only thing that really separates them from each other is how they are built. The Tamron uses a lot of polycarbonate parts(plastic) compared to the Sigma. I use the Tamron and as far as optical quality goes I think it is superb. The Sigma is as well. A review of the tamron and sigma on Photozone actually bears this out. A macro lens at this focal length for a D300 is actually quite versatile and you should be able to find a lot of uses for it. The best thing for you to do is go to a store that has them in stock and actually try them both. I went with the Tamron based solely on price. Image quality is a coin toss. Build quality goes to the Sigma. Good luck.</p><div>00TVuv-139323584.jpg.910bf9c07f5c08b8ea4f05aff8cac6f3.jpg</div>
  17. <p>1) I use a tc-14b. They are cheap used. With you modified tc-17e you have a 850mm f6.3!!!<br />2) Manual focus is always hit or miss when one is used to AF. But experience should help you nail focus eventually. Plus, MF should be easier on a fulll frame dslr with a brighter viewfinder like the D700.<br />3) Bokeh is good wide open.<br />4) You will need a sturdier tripod. I use a bogen 3021b pro that is barely adequate. An affordable gimbal alternative is also available from Bogen. I use that too.<br />Here is a sample pic with a tc-14b.<br /><a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/7745562&size=lg">http://www.photo.net/photo/7745562&size=lg</a></p>
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