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Posts posted by barthurk

  1. I'm doing a solo photography show at a Restaurant/Lounge. I'm putting up

    possibly as many as 20 photographs throughout the large Lounge.


    My problem is that the venue is not set up for art exhibition as far as

    lighting. All lighting is atmospheric and dim, and none of it is directed at

    the walls where my work will hang.


    Does anyone know of reasonable options for temporary lighting?

  2. I could be mistaken, but I thought the D200 DID have filter simulators for B&W mode. I have a D200, but have never even activated B&W mode because I do it all in post processing, so I could be wrong.


    Check your manual??

  3. agreed. The d200 cover stays on tight. The only complaint is that small dust DOES get underneath it. I take it off every week and clean it during my weekly camera cleaning (yes I'm crazy). The cover falling off thing must have been a problem on older Nikon models.
  4. At first, I was annoyed with having to see my images in color before converting them, as I am used to film, and so I saw my images in B&W right from developing.


    But if you think about it in the "digital" way, which we must when using a d200, you can USE the colors you are seeing to plan ahead on what your converted B&W image will look like (assuming you are using Channel Mixer to convert)


    I know that if my composition has a lot of a certain color, I will be able to use that later in Channel Mixer. If there is not enough of a certain color (or too much), I may choose to recompose before taking the shot.

  5. I'm going on a two week trip to Europe. I'm going light on camera

    equipment, but I am looking for a bag that can double as a day pack,

    so that I only have to carry ONE bag all day.


    My camera gear will be: D200 with 18-70mm, 50mm 1.8, extra

    battery...that's IT.


    After that I'd like the bag to easily carry maps, guide books,

    lunch, etc. without having to dig into the camera compartment. I've

    been looking around for this and can't really find what I'm looking

    for. Anyone have ideas/experiences?

  6. Thanks for the input. I guess I'll just have to change my habits.


    I think the 50% drain was a bit over-estimated...the battery was probably already at 70%,

    and I did leave it on for about 15 hours. I guess that's a good thing then, that I only lost

    that much juice.

  7. I've been using my D200 for a few days now, and something I

    constantly do is forget to shut the camera off! I'm used to film

    SLRs in the good old days where when I was done with the camera...I

    just put it down.


    However, I have left my digital camera on overnight TWICE now. Even

    sitting all night, the battery only drained about 50%. I can't seem

    to find an auto-shut down option, and I'm thinking it doesn't exist

    on the D200, but I thought I'd see if the experts agree!

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