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Image Comments posted by jaybee1



    Just as a follow-up to my comment i've had a little play with the image myself and used the bluring technique i was talking about. I've also changed some levels and created some what of a different feel to an already stunning image. Joe


    14th St.

    Great image. the subjects are a little TOO central. Over to 1 side may of altered the feel and increased overall aesthetics of this shot. However i still like it. Joe

    Saw Grass

    Maybe i would of raised the camera 3 or 4 feet ? A liitle more sky perhaps, the base of this picture is a little to crouded. Very crisp image however. Nice idea. Joe


    Rule of 3rd's test pass !! Nice capture, however i would try and clone out the engine trails left by planes in the sky using PS. That said, i think it's a nice image. good work.

    Jay Bee

    Thankyou Sacha. This was 1 of a series of pictures i took on 1 hell of a gloomy day at an abandoned warehouse. Heavy Contrast changes are what bring out the reds. Thankyou for the kind words. Joe


    There has been far to much editing in what i'm guessing PS. If it's Unsharp mask you have used ur pixel radius is too large. If it's poster edges you have used it takes the "human" feel away. Nice image but spoiled by a program that should help. If u have the original please post and i'll show you what i mean. Joe
  1. It adds a depth that is hard to describe, however the noise within the central image is what spoils this picture for me. A little noise reduction and level change in PS works a treat. Hope u don't mind but i've attached a tweaked version for u to see. Nice pleasing image. Joe



    This image is very hard to understand. I sat and looked for a good minute but still can't work it out ? there is no real focus point. Hope this makes sense to you ? Joe



    This is an example of where a little PS editing would really help make this image a worthy 7/7 contender. The background noise is what spoils it for me. I hope u don't mind but i took the liberty of tweaking your image to show you how i believe it to be AMAZING. However, i'm still amazed. Great shot. Joe

  2. The picture was just off the cuff. i was holding my camera as she sat on the bed and i just released the shutter. No setup, No lights. Just wanted to capture the moment. I guess i see her differently to how u do ? Thats love for u ;0)


    Hi Will. Yeah we use a lime over here. Makes 'm go down quicker ! The smoke was like a feeling of cold coming off the beer. But yeah it would go down just as well without. Thanx again mate. Joe

    Haze of Love


    Thanx Will for your comment. Yeah i got PS CS2 mate. only just gettin into it. the background and enhancement on this was done with PS. i'll attach the original so u can c the work i've done. ALL ur feedback is welcome so thankyou for ur honesty. Joe

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