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Posts posted by donald_nealious2

  1. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Validation at last.


    In January 2005 I purchased a 20d and a 580EX. It was my first digital camera and I had never owned a dedicated flash unit either. To improve the recylce time I purchased the external battery pack. For backup I bought a used 420ez or 430ez (don't remember for sure) to go on my Elan7e for the second wedding shooter. We shot our first weding the first week of March.


    The digital files were ALL under exposed. That's when I took a crash course creating Photoshop actions to fix 700+ images. Since I was new to digital and my system was matched, I figured it was me. We were to shoot another wedding in April. I did some pretesting at home and it seemed OK. Uploaded the files afterward, and they were again enderexposed (icky green grainy shadows). More work in PS. I called CANON and they played dumb.


    IN October, I finally got a break in my schedule where I could send the 580EX and the 20d in together. With them I sent a letter explaining some exposure tests I had done in manual mode using a Polaris flash meter (all shots dead on), in EETL mode with and without flash modifiers like the Sto-Fen. I left the flash card with these test images in the camera (with frame by frame explainations in the letter) so they could see them and have access to all the data (even some you I can not probably see). I asked them to please test the two as a system.


    I got my flash and camera returned separately. They cleaned the sensor on the 20d, but otherwise all they said was that they both met spec. No reference to having tested them as a system. TWo weeks later I get an email asking about my experience with Canon service.


    I explained all of the above and they agreed to have me send the unit back and they would retest them together. After reading these posts I think it would be a waste of time an shipping & insurance money.


    I had searched in vain previously for under exposure issues, but I guess both items were still too new.


    I jumped seriously into photography in 1999. The responses in the various Photo.net forums have been most helpful. They have always been very straight forward and candid whether about film, chemistry, equipment, etc. This is my first response. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those that take the time to share their knowledge. And also to those that monitor and maintain these forums.


    Best regards,


    Don Nealious

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