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Image Comments posted by newfocus

  1. To be totally honest, I can't decide if I find the level of contrast and the way it's been handled really powerful or really uncomfortable but it's certainly grabbed my attention. Definite top marks for creating something unusual and not run of the mill.

  2. Love the colours and light - gives real power to the shot. To my eye it's even more powerful with a little crop from the left but I don't mean that as a negative particularly - just a suggestion.





    I like the unusual choice of subject, the colours and the way it's lit. By way of hopefully helpful feedback the comp feels just a little uncomfortable to me. I'm not particularly keen on always sticking to compositional 'rules' but to my eye a crop from the right would help (not so much as to centralise the walnuts - just a bit).

    I don't mean that to sound negative though - I like it either way - just trying to make suggestions.

    Green Visions


    Wow - that's really impressive and it's great that you shared all the technical detail. It sounds like your processing's been sensitive to the natural beauty of the scene and I think that shows. A really powerful shot.

    Winter for #2


    I love the simplicity of this and the fact that it's a scene that could so easily have been overlooked. I like the fact that there's just a hint of colour in the distance too.

  3. Yes - great colours and detail and I like the way the exposure balances the light from the lighthouse and the sunset.

    I think it works well in panoramic format too (cropping from the bottom to about 2:1 ratio).

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