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Posts posted by brent_h

  1. Things seem to be turning around a bit with this situation. I sent out an email to about

    150 people on the league. In addition, I sent an email to a few city officails, and council

    members that have supported what we are doing.


    I recieved many emails today from supporters of what we are doing. I even received a faily

    civil email from the person I believe to have started this whole thing.


    We may be in good shape now. I was really impressed by the fact that a few of the top

    attornies in town were willng to help by donating thier time. They stated they would make

    sure we were in compliance and then defend us if needed.


    Not sure what action was responsible for this rapid turn of events but the email must have

    reached a few level headed individuals. I hope this is the end but I will now be double

    checking our actions to insure they are proper.


    Thanks again for the feedback of everyone!

  2. I would like to thank everyone for thier responses. I have been reading this site for over a

    year on a daily basis. I love the content.


    I understand where this photographer is coming from. I wish he had approached me

    directly about this issue. The website we have is for promoting all types of community

    businesses. His would have fit on the site great. I would not have felt threathend at all by

    his presense on our site. I know people would have bought his professional quality prints

    and still come to our site to see our snapshots as well. It is to late for that. He appears to

    have poisned the well. I am not sure how far he has gone to creat trouble.


    In response to the Real Estate Question: I am surrounded in California by agents that

    undercut the commision I charge. I rarley lose a customer on price given the fact we do

    offer a better customer experience and product. When we do we are probably better off



    I mainly read the wedding photography board as one day I would like to do that in

    retirement. I see posts like this all the time and really do understand the issue.


    I have consulted with several attornies since this posting and they have graciously donated

    thier time to help us comply with the civil code and allow us to continue to do what we are



    I have learned through this process that some sports leagues have the Model Release built

    in to the sign up sheet to avoid these issues.


    Like someone posted already, I should have done more research!

  3. I just received a call from an attorney that is "Putting me on Notice" as he states. I have a

    community website that we have put together for community use but it is sponsored by

    my Real Estate business.


    I have photos of local events and school sports photos. The photos on our site are free to

    download. They are mosltly of school sporting events. A local photographer emailed me

    a week or so ago and basically stated that I was taking money out his pockey by posting

    free pictures of the local little league. I was not concerned until I got a call from an

    attorney stating I was violating civil code 3344.


    I thought we were just taking photos for the kids? All of the parents I have spoken to gave

    us oral permission to post them on our website. The attorney stated because we have

    them on technically a commercial site that we are in violation of this code. My business is

    on the site as a site sponsor as well as many others. We have even told eveyone that we

    are posting the photos to promote a new community website.


    Now something that has been fun for everyone (I guess not for the photographer that has

    started this) involved has turned into a mess. The little league I am taking most of the

    pictures for gave us permission to take them and even had a board meeting about it.


    What to do? I am in California.


    Any advice? Thanks

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