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Posts posted by eddie_caruso

  1. I use:


    2.33 ghz macbook pro (matte screen), core 2 duo. Gretag Macbeth Eye-One 2 system -

    the best, the spyder is awful - from my experience. an older but consistent CRT monitor

    for all color critical work. epson 2200


    i calibrate to 6500K, gama 2.2, and 100 luminance.

    i never have any color problems.


    i would guess that it is either the Spyder system or a bad LCD or misapplied settings


    are you making prints and getting bad results also?


    btw i have calibrated my laptop screen but thats never going to ever be used for color

    work - its like a big polariod on location.

  2. Howard - forgive my ignorance but what would the equivalnet focal length be of that

    pentax 35mm 645 adapted to a caonon eos? if its the same i would look into that becasue

    those lenses are probably better in the corners.


    i have heard the 24mm ts-e and 1.4 tele is a decent option but i was hoping someone had

    a nikon or canon (or olympus) 35mm pc to compare it to. i guess i should rent a

    teleconverter and check it out.


    gary - when i shoot with a view camera (and i still do) i usually use a schneider 120mm

    f8, that is about a 35mm in 35mm format. i would rather use a sharp 35mm pc than

    stitch from a 45 ts-e

  3. I shoot interiors with a 5D and I am looking for a 35mm pc lens. I already own the 24mm

    TS-E, so one option is using a 1.4 TC (which I do not own). Or do I get a Nikon 35mm f2.8

    pc, or do I try to find a Canon FD 35mm TS SSC? I don't have the cash for the Contax

    35mm pc. I don't care about auto anything beacuse I use a tripod, I am only wondering

    about image quality. Thanks for your suggestions.

  4. Weiyang-


    due to perspective, moving my camera position will not always achieve the same results as

    the right focal length lens. i know it can be done, i have seen those lenses used that way -

    i was hoping to hear from pro digital photographers who think its is sharp enough. but i

    already think the 24mm ts-e isn't that sharp compared to most other 24mm lenses.

  5. Matt


    Thanks for the info, that Olympus sounds pretty good. It's so small too. I wonder what

    happens when Nikon finally releases a FF digital camera. Their wide zone is rated much

    highter than Canon's. I hope one day soon Canon gets with it and concentrates a little on

    the wide glass.

  6. Thanks for all of your info. I was hoping not to pay $2000+ for prime 35mm lenses, it

    almost makes me think twice about putting the 4x5 aside. I spend alot of time in

    Photoshop correcting lens barrel distortion, chromatic abberation, perspective, you name

    it. Those Photoshop corrections are indispensible for the architectural work I do with

    these lenses. Trade-offs. So I would be better off with the Canon primes than the zooms

    (obviously) until I buy a Zeiss. And the 24mm TS-E is so soft I guess I should only use it

    when I only absolutely need the shift. Unless I am doing something wrong. I try to use

    f10-11 for interiors, I hear people recommending more open than that. Anyone

    recommend the Olympus Zuiko 24mm shift over the Canon?

  7. I shoot architecture and interiors with a 5D. I have the 17-40 f4 and the 24mm TS-E. I

    am not thrilled with the sharpness of these lenses. I know the 24mm TS-E is not so sharp,

    but I wanted to know if using primes like the 20mm f2.8, 24mm f2.8 amd 35mm f2 would

    give better results than the zoom. I assume it would, but has anyone done a comparison

    test? Anyone use the tamron or sigma wide primes? I like the 17-40 for casual stuff

    especially when I had the 20D, but for critical work, it doesn't perform very well. What do

    you guys think?

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