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Posts posted by ads_ads

  1. hello, im in the process of getting a DSLR, but torn between the EOS 350D or

    400D. Im buying Canon as i already have a few EOS lenses plus a speelite.

    does anyone have extensive expereince of both these cameras and can give me

    some pointers on which one to go for. i have seen reviews on both these cameras

    but have not seen user reviews who has used both of them. thanks.

  2. hello, I am interested in buying the EOS 350D but i am not sure about

    the 1.6X multi issue with the lens/camera? can someone explain what

    this means? i have the EF50mm 1.4 lens, does that mean when i use it

    on the 350D it turns to a 80mm? very confused...

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