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Image Comments posted by accystan

  1. Well done. I really like this pic. Who would have thought that a container ship could contribute to a serene and peaceful scene. I'm not sure the sky adds much to the picture; I'd tend to crop the top 1/3rd.

    Well spotted.

    Cheers, Dave D



    Hi John:

    This is a delightful portrait; almost candid. And the b & w works. My only comment would pertain to the border - I'm not sure what it adds.

    Well done, Dave D

  2. Hi Marco:

    Love this sort of photography. So difficult to know where to crop; but this is good.

    I believe I'm correct in saying that this grille stayed closed, as seen here, until the engine warmed up then the louvres opened to allow air pass through the radiator.

    Well done, Dave D




    Excellent capture of that moment when the wave's energy can't be contained and it first breaks.

    The colour is interesting; not pleasing from an aesthetic point of view perhaps, but as you say, everything to do with the shore over which it breaks

    Well captured.


    Cheers, Dave D


    Purple Drops


    Hi Nolan:

    In response to your comment I'd be interested in hearing what you are looking for.

    My thoughts are that the pic needs more tonal range and a larger d.o.f.

    I did download the pic. to see what stop you were using but that info. is not there.

    It's tough photographing this sort of object. You need a large d.o.f. but that leads to longer exposure times and then the wind can become a factor. As I'm sure you know.

    Well done, Dave D



    Hi Laurent:

    Excellent capture.

    I agree with the previous comment re cropping. Not sure whether I'd crop the sky or the snow but I think I'd lean towards cropping the sky (there's a sky every day... but not daily snow). I'd be tempted to try it in a stark b & w also.

    Very well done.

    Cheers, Dave D

    Veteran's Day


    Hi Meir:

    Always a good choice on this day and b & w, I think, emphasizes the mood. I think it might have helped if the foreground were busier and had more content.

    Well done - "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

    Cheers, Dave D




    I think this is a very engaging portrait. I might have been tempted to crop the pic above her head (not sure what it contributes) and perhaps the space on the lhs of the pic.

    Just my thoughts.

    Well done.

    Dave D

  3. Hi Ya Zhang:

    What a magnificent, stunning pic. I really like the way the Tetons dominate and humble the landscape. The splash of orange from the trees emphasizes the 'coldness' of the scene. My only comment would be that I think the road (I think that's what it is) should be horizontal. It may not be in reality but to me it's an intermediate horizon.

    Just my opinion. Well done,

    Dave D

  4. Hi Ya:

    I really like this piccy. I particularly like the fact that you have taken the shot before the mist cleared (perhaps it wasn't clearing - perhaps it was thickening...). The mist on the lhs and the tree on the rhs directs the eye further into the distance. The atmosphere has emphasized the depth creating a distinct f/g and b/g.

    Well done, Dave D


  5. Alexander:


    This is very dramatic. I think I'd be tempted to do a bit of cropping - the sky doesn't add too much to the pic. Nor does the rhs; it also looks like the horizon is sloping. I think I'd be tempted to crop the top 1/3 rd. and some of the rhs.

    Interesting portrait; anybody we know?

    Cheers, Dave D



    Hi Ashwani:

    I think this is a tremendous pic. I think you have a wonderful abstract here. I really like the geometry and the (possible) distortion.

    The things I'd change would be to make the title anonymous and to crop the buildings (a give-away) thus creating an abstract piece of art.

    Well spotted, Dave D 

    Tuscan earth..


    Hi Edmondo:

    I think this is a very powerful pic. It's good to see such f/g interest. Notwithstanding the previous poster's comment I think there's too much sky and the positioning of the focal point in the centre of the frame doesn't work for me. I think I'd be tempted to crop the upper 2/3rd's of the sky. This would place the f/p in a more 'classical' position and also emphasize the f/g.

    Just my opinion.

    Well done, Dave D

    Pink Sunset


    Hi Roberto:

    This is an beautiful, eye-catching picture. Fascinating colouring. Not too saturated.

    I'm thinking that there's too much of something..... either (1) too much water -  i.e. crop the lower third, or (2) too much sky - i.e. crop some sky.

    It's a powerful sky so I tend to go for (1) but you may have two pictures here.

    The boats are less than sharp so I'm guessing that it was a long exposure and there was some movement.

    Either way I think it's a beautiful pic. with potential and well done.

    Just my opinion, Dave D.


  6. Hi Dominick:

    Excellent sharpness, perspective and lighting/colour. You've created a very powerful picture. I love this sort of picture and yours is well composed.

    Along the same theme I'm sure you're familiar with the Sayano–Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station accident in Russia some years ago. If not I recommend you 'google' it - one of the turbines 'let go'!

    Well done, Dave D


    1200 bisballe 1



    I think this is a very pleasant landscape. Unfortunately you were presented with a very bland sky that day. I think I'd crop almost all of it; I don't feel it adds any interest to the pic.

    Just my opinion.

    Well done, Dave D

  7. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve but my comments would be as follows.....

    • I think I'd eliminate the cord which holds up the picture in the background. I find it a little distracting.
    • I think I'd crop the empty space above the gentleman's head. I don't feel it contributes to the picture.
    • Just a minor point but I think I'd eliminate those little black dots on the wall.
    • My final comment is regarding the gentleman's gaze. It takes me out of the picture. I'm wondering what is taking his attention........ I find it a bit distracting. I don't think you can do too much about it but I think it might have been better if he were looking at the lady or the camera. Either exclude the viewer (look directly at her) or include us all.

    Just my thoughts.

    Cheers, Dave D

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