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Image Comments posted by psychophoto

  1. I like it. I'd love to see a good silver print of this. The one distracting thing I see is the lighter patch in the shadow in the lower left-hand corner. If this could be burned down, I think the eyeflow would improve.
  2. I'd try cropping off the bottom third of the photograph. This would make it more dynamic, I think, and it would work better as an abstract. Also, it's a little flat, so I'd bump up the contrast some.
  3. Excellent subject, but the composition feels awkward - as if one, as the viewer, expects that he is about to fall over backwards. Just seems off balance to me. It definitely has possibilities, though, and is worth exploration. Perhaps a little creative cropping could strengthen the image.
  4. I want to see Kanji in the woodworm markings - it gives the image an unexpectedly Japanese feel to it. But then I may just be projecting something personal into your image. It works, though. The image balances nicely. Well done!


    Nice feel to this - a polaroid transfer I assume? Whatever the media, I think the image makes good use of a fairly limited color palatte and the colors are in fact one of the stronger points of the photograph.
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