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Posts posted by ryan_peck

  1. <p>David-<br>

    can you explain how my M8 is now outmoded? Is it simply because there is a better version? Seems very odd for an expressed IIIf and SL user to be dismissing a camera for being outmoded.<br>

    And, what is to be gained, for me, from using Leica lenses when shooting digital, is that I don't have to pay for film and spend time in the darkroom, yet I still get to use a camera that I love.</p>

  2. I can only speak for myself, but i had waited for years for Leica to make a digital M simply because I had 11 M-mount lenses that I

    loved and wanted to take advantage of. Would I have bought my M8 if I hadn't already invested so heavily in Leica? More than likely

    yes, because I like rangefinders better than SLRs.


    But frankly, i'm getting really tired of people complaining about the M8. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you bought it and don't like it,

    sell it. If it's too expensive, tough. Leica has never been the camera of the people. It's always been expensive, but many consider it

    worth it. Now I have my beefs with it and I know it isn't perfect. But let's put things in perspective: it's not like the IIIf or M3 just

    happened over night. They were refined over the years, perfected if you will. I'm willing to give Leica some time to perfect their digital M

    and, until then, i'll use and enjoy what I had dreamt of for nearly 10 years...a digital M that I could use all my lenses on, even a 65 year-

    old screw mount 35 f/3.5.

  3. As a recovering lens hoarder, one thing I always try to remember is that some of the greatest

    photos ever taken- Cartier-Bresson, Capa, Winogrand, Queen Elizabeth(!), etc...-were taken

    with what many would now consider inferior lenses. Kind of puts things in perspective.


    Of course, I tell myself this, but I still can't seem to own less than four 50mm lenses...

  4. I couldn't agree more, Torben. I've had my M8 for almost a year now and am constantly

    amazed at hearing M8 owners proudly bragging about not having any problems, etc.


    Honestly, as much as I love it (and I really do) I wish I felt about it they way i've felt about

    every M i've ever owned; completely confident. Or even my Nikon D70. I've had that for

    over 3 years without any issue, at all.


    Hopefully, all this will be worked out on the M9. Especially the backfocusing issues on all

    the lenses.

  5. I've had my M8 for about 7 months and I guess I fall in the camp of those that love it.

    I certainly don't think it's perfect, but it's easy to get over it's failings. My first Leica was a

    IIIf and I thought trimming the film would annoy me forever. After a couple weeks and

    some prints of my first few rolls it didn't seem to bug me any more. It was just the way it

    worked. Same goes with the M8. My only lingering disappointment is the cropping of my

    lenses due to the image sensor size. I Hate that. But, on the flipside, I love being able to

    take 10 shots with my noctilux and not feel like i'm wasting film. It gives a certain freedom

    that I really find myself taking advantage of. No new news there. That's what digital's been

    promising all along. I guess with the M8, the excitement is that it's familiar, feels just like

    a Leica, I get to use all my favorite lenses and I get to see what I shot immediately.


    And John, in regards to your question about whether or not I treat the camera with kid

    gloves or like an actual M, I guess I treat it like an M. I've got a great old leather Benser

    bag. I just zip that up, throw it in my bag and it's there when I need it. Hopefully, it will

    prove to be as durable as my M6.


    It's funny, I made the decision to my the M8 when my wife told me she was pregnant. I

    wanted to be able to shoot as much as I want, whenever I wanted, without feeling like I

    was spending a fortune on film. Factoring in the cost of film and processing, the cameras

    paid for about 1/2 of itself already. No kidding. Pretty easy to love that.

  6. Hi,


    Anyone have any advice on cleaning the IR filters for the M8? I've managed to get a spot of something on it

    and am not sure how to clean it. I didn't realize that the surface of the filter was cat tongue-like so am

    unsure how to proceed.


    any thoughts much appreciated.

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