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Posts posted by petersonphoto

  1. Hey all,


    I just purchased a nice Jansport messenger bag at a great price at a

    local outlet store. I plan on using it to carry my M6 and a few

    lenses among other things. I would like to get some info on where I

    could pick up some padded inserts that could keep the camera and

    lenses contained and protected inside the bag. I originally was

    looking for a custom bag, like a Domke, but figured this would be a

    cheaper route and at the same time keep a low profile with just a

    normal looking messenger bag. Any suggestions for inserts?

  2. I'm looking for a bag to carry my Leica M6 and a few lenses, along

    with whatever other stuff I need to carry. Something like a good

    quality messenger bag that has some padded sections in the inside so

    the lenses and camera don't rub on each other, and other

    pockets/spaces to hold film, maps, a small book, etc. Is there

    anything out there that would work?

  3. I have used the Kodak C-41 B&W 400 speed and was pretty impressed...However, I have never used color C-41. It's good to know that I can pick up some decent quality color C-41 film if I need to. Has anyone ever used this new "High Definition" film by Kodak? I see it all over the stores, but have never heard of anyone using it.
  4. Thanks everybody for the advice....I can always count on this forum to get great responses. I have purchased a very nice 50 Summicron and plan on picking up a 35 lux ASPH very soon (if I can find a good used one, I think I'll need some luck). I think they will compliment each other well.....I will post my results in the future, so keep an eye out!
  5. Well, I plan on using a 35 asph lux as my main all-around lens. But I also want a pre-asph lens for softer portraits and thought maybe a 50mm would not make much of a difference as far as the focal length....I have read that the 35 and 90 focal lengths are most popular for M shooters, and I'm assuming the 90 would be used for portrait situations.
  6. The reason I ask is because there is a 50 summicron for sale on ebay and the seller states:


    "my reserve is very reasonable, considering it to be a lens made in Germany by leitz Wetzlar, NOT CANADA. I believe when you are paying hundreds for such an item, you are entitled to an accurate description, not as some sellers are trying to hide the manufacture by tricky picture taking.Be on the lookout for "E 39" next to the serial Nr.which is unusually high, such as in excess of 3 million. I know these types are also of good quality, but Wetzlar remains Wetzlar."


    I was skeptical of the validity of this statement.

  7. Now that I've had time to think about it, I think I'd rather have two fast Crons than one slow (and big) Tri-Elmar. Switching lenses is really not that big of a deal, and one of the reasons I got into the M setup was because of its compact size.....It seems like a E3 would more or less defeat that purpose. Once I have the primes I want, I will definitely consider it....Of course, that is, if I have the disposable income to buy it!
  8. I was hoping to get some opinions on the performance of the Tri-

    Elmar. The more I keep looking at lenses to buy, the Tri is getting

    more and more attractive....It's just getting past the whole f/4

    thing that's a problem for me. I'm assuming the optics are top notch,

    but at f/4 (and overall) how does it perform?

  9. I just bought an M6, and plan on buying both of these lenses. I figured if I like them both, great, then I'll keep them. If I don't like one for one reason or another I can always sell it and get something different. That's one of the benefits of leica lenses, you can buy one and try one and if don't like it, you can sell it quickly with minimal loss. Getting opinions and facts is great and can help narrow down a decision, but ultimately you have to find out for yourself what suits your style best. I say buy them both if you can afford them, and if you like one better than the other, keep it and sell the one you don't prefer.
  10. Your homeowners insurance should cover it since it happened on your property. I used to leave things in my car until my window got smashed just so they could take a pair of sunglasses and CD's. I never leave ANYTHING of value in my car, especially camera equipment. It sucks, but you can chock it up as a lesson learned. Hope you catch the bastards and get your stuff back.
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