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Image Comments posted by davidgesink

  1. My last moon and tower picture, I promise! Any critiques welcome. I think it's rather

    intriguing, then again I have been called a geek many times over. Thanks for your

    comments and ratings.



    What a truly unique photo. I find I can't stop looking at it, and I'm not quite sure why. It's a pleasant experience. If you cropped out the green on the right side, it would make a more vivid blue experience. Current research shows that the color blue actually stimulates the mind (MRI imaging while looking at various colors). But what do I know? As I look at it I see a reflection of the green shade on the right underside of the brush.


    Well done no matter how I look at it

    Wrong Move!


    Here is a photo I took on my way to work. Some may find this morbid (and I would

    agree), yet it is not the motivation behind this posting. I've simply never seen

    anything like this before, and I dare-say I will not again.

    Apparently this raccoon took a bite into the utility line not realizing the shocking

    nature of what he was about to do. I can only hope it was painless.


    This photo definitely has something to say. Looking at this picture and others in your gallery, it becomes clear that you have a real talent. Wonderful photograph!
  2. While driving home on 1-7-06 I was intrigued by, 1) the particular pattern in the

    clouds that was accentuated by the play of light behind the clouds and, 2) the way the

    reflection of sunlight on the empty corn field gave me the impression that instead of

    a cornfield, I was seeing reflected sunlight off the frozen surface of a pond or lake. It

    was worth pulling over for a quick shot anyway. Any critiques are always appreciated,

    thank you...


    This photo is really eye catching. The overall "texture" adds greatly to the overall composition. Nicely set off by the brilliance of the maple (?) leaf (urban/manmade vs. nature). Very cool...
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