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maniac image

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Image Comments posted by maniac image

    Emerging Grey Seal

    I love the picture. It could be magazine potential, the only thing is the dirt or spray on your lens or filter. You may want to PS those little spots out to cut the distraction from your subject. I love the picture quality though. Great job, nice capture.


    Your model looks like she is very relaxed. She has great features in her hair, skin, eyes and body from what one can see. Bravo for her. She should persue further shoots. The composition is nice and simple, with good lighting that really makes her stand out. Just a hint of nudity to show a beautiful female body. I like it.

    along came a spider

    Thanks for the interest. The body was about 2 cm. in length. As for the web, I was hoping to get more light onto it to get the full reflection, but the location was such that it did not permit it, not even with a reflector screen. I did not have any portable flash, or that would have worked.


    Sensual. I love the strong lean toward sexuality brought on by your model. Her dark eyes and pose really bring out the strength in this image. Nicely captured.

    for comments only

    Steve; I like the shot and the thought behind it. I think if it were my photo, I perhaps would have widened the image a bit and used a bit larger F stop to get fulll length clarity. No matter what anyone says though about your photos, they are yours and they are the art the way you like to see it and capture it. Good work and keep it up.

    Harley girl

    Thanks. The thought behind the photo is to get the bike to fade into the background, just touching the highlights off. I also asked the model for the casual, not "having fun" look.....after all, it is a Harley. One needs to be a bit serious...haha.
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