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Image Comments posted by chema_perez



    I was a children some years ago and would never find this image traumatic at all, I had a very open mind education and that helped mi (I think) in having a healthy sexuality and a lot of exciting experiences. In fact this gives me a strong personality and presence and help to face frustrations that could cause traumas.


    I think that we can all see the difference in some countres of what a healthy education is if we look at the USA and... Switzerland for example, where I had a lot of casual bed experiences as a 19 years student (always safe experiences thanks to the sex education I had). It is just NORMAL to do this. What is not normal is to have a gun under the pillow. I thik it's a lot more safe to have a rich sexual life without frustrations than a lot of frustration and a gun... bad mix!


    BTW I don't like the photo it self but there are a lot worse images in this site.


    I take this image more like a "let's laught about porn".


    I find this very healthy in deed. It's weird the way this image provoqued those coments since it is provoquing but... nothing more.




    Sorry I don't see the beauty or technique demonstration of this photo.


    It's simple and without any interest. Not without interest because is simple, but without interest because is a really boring composition.


    I really don't understand wy so many people voted and comented this particular shot, in others even if I don't like it I can understand why others like.


    My feeling is the only person who would like this is the dog's owner, just as a kid running behind a ball would be for the parents. I'm shure there is a lot of photos of pets or kids running behind a ball that are interesting even as a photo and not only for the owners/parents, but this one is in my opinion... empty.


    I'm sure even the autor will agree with me when I say this shot is the worse of his beauiful gallery.

  1. I love the picture, the bear waiting for the right moment to do the first and final mouvement. of course when you know that this image have been taken 1000 times you look at it with less interest, less magic, but I do not agree with the commen that says to don't share this kind of images. I enjoy to look at it, and people shoudn't be afraid to share their "vacance" images. However I do think that any critic can be contructive and it's not good to always say it's perfect because that way we don't get any better in doing this!


    Maybe with softer light. And why not try a little mouvement blur of water and salmons. I don't think we have to stay always freeze in sports and wild.


    What about the satisfaction of doing the same picture 1000 times before taken BUT better than anyone before. That is fun!

    the kiss

    I like it a lot. One can think a lot of things about this situation, beautifull and horrible, for some is dramatic and for others is humor. In any case is a very very emotional image, and that's (IMO) what a good photo is at the end, not only good compo, focus or light. Thanks for sharing.
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