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Image Comments posted by christophe.moustier

  1. pnina evental > the title is an idiom that means "who goes together are looking the same". the french version of the title is "homme-mur cherche femme-papier-peint" that which refers to a want ad for singles through a pun which is particularly hard to translate here.


    in the want ad context, "the end" in the middle of the picture compels to the end of the affair that is about to happen ; with the english title, it may be understood as the sign of a sham : even if the figures look the same, they will never be able to match since the girl belongs to reality and the man is a simple placard.


    thanks for your interest.



    cette image fut prise dans la "maternité suisse d'elne".

    il s'agit d'une demeure de maitre qui abrita elisabeth eidenbenz.


    cette femme prit soin de plus de 500 enfants durant la 2nde guère

    mondiale et fut désignée comme "juste" par l'état d'israel, décorée le

    15/05/07 de la légion d'honneur et l'équivalent en espagne.


    selon le gardien, un film devrait être réalisé sur sa vie, elisabeth

    serait alors incarnée par pénélope cruz...

  2. >> Karina

    >> Not what I would call street photography, but it is a great capture.


    You're right, I do not like to call myself this kind of photography "street photos" ; it sound a bit disgraceful to me. In fact, I prefer refering to the "Humanist photography" current, especially Edith Gerin who used to locate a composition in the outdoor and waited for someone to step where she wanted or even asked to a close (her daughter or so) to do so...


    In this case, this delighting model spent the whole day with me to step where I wanted. To me, this kind of picture still belongs to the Humanist current since it is supposed (I try !) to reveal the noblest part of humanity in everyone.

  3. This place is supposed to be created by a giant whose heart has been

    captured between the cobblestones.

    When the tide is high, the island is reached by boat, once the sea

    goes away, the path reveals some good surprises...

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