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Posts posted by mike_smith39

  1. thanks for the ideas...I looked at a pentax k1000, a nikon fm10, a nikon fm38. I will have to look at the lecia. I guess I would assume the 35mm a good format for what I am doing, it would be safe to say the largest print would be 11x14...but when shooting people I just like 8x10. I have decided on two lenses a 24-28mm and 75-85mm.



    I will have to look at the olympus stuff...I have never really heard to many good things...but I know that the glass quality is the most important.


    Thanks for the info. I want to capture the best possible picture I can.



    Canonet QL17 I dont know what that is...I will have to do some research.





    I have played with a few twin reflexes and I cant seem to get the left right movement down...the camera just feels right by my eye.

  2. not intrested in the dslr...money is never an issue with me, I just research heavily before I buy...I have no problem with full manual. I just want the right tool for the right job. I want to walk the streets with equipment that will not attract to much attention...if it looks really expensive somebody may take a swipe at me for it. What advantages does a rangefinder offer over an slr?
  3. I am a student and I have been using a canon rebel with a 28-90 kit

    lens on it. I really want to get some other equipment. I shoot in

    the streets, usually in the worst condition of people and sometimes

    the weather also does not want to cooperate. I want something small

    with a wide angle and a telephoto...I want the lenses to be fast and

    not huge and I want removable lenses. I am not aganist buying two

    bodies...one for each lens. So far im my searches I like the lecia,

    and the manual focus nikon. Before I lose my train of

    thought...doing this kind of work in the streets is there a benefit

    to a rangefinder over the slr? And last but not least...I have been

    saving some money for a little while and I have a decent amount to

    spend and yes I know....everything is expensive.


    Thank you for any advice and tips that are offered. Please feel free

    to state any and all opnions and of course any option that I may

    have overlooked.



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