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Everything posted by smiffy_smiffy

  1. Orsetto, What can I say... You've answered all the questions brilliantly and sincerely I thank you : I had suspected most of what you have now confirmed but tis great to hear from an expert!
  2. My apologies, me using the word just was causing you confusion. Just was used as in : "it happened, back then, without warning" and not as in "it just happened recently ". Sorry Mike 😳
  3. Orsetto: Thanks for the detailed reply and much appreciated. My FE2 shutter was physically finished to put it ploitely as they say in brum. A couple of points : One, having used dozens of cameras and taken on them well over 100,000 wedding images, this was the only time a f/p shutter literally physically broke, and point two is that I very quickly found out from repairers that Nikon did not carry a replacement shutter for the FE2. This was when the camera was no more than 5 or 6 years old : even my hardened repairers were lost for words. Regarding Nikon F, mine is dated 1968 and the shutter is perfect, the Photomic meter appears dead but that's par for the course.. As for Blads I've never met anybody who has not had problems with their "Prized Piccy Machine".. just would add that my own personal fave 35mm SLR was a Mintola Dynax 7.... outstanding was the only word for it. Cheers and thanks again for your interest 😊
  4. Yes thanks one & all, I know how old the camera is, or would have been, my question is simply has a shutter failed on anybody else's Fe2 ?
  5. Used Only for 5 yrs, no warning just completely seized f/p shutter...anybody else had this happen?
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