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Posts posted by thomas_johnstone

  1. Hi Tim,


    I have just had the same problem. I went to Amsterdam for the weekend and on the plane home I realised that the camera had a small crack across it and the screen no longer works. I kept the camera in it's protective case whenever I wasn't using it and I am lost as to how it broke. I am not too sure what to do about this problem as I bought the camera in Hong Kong, but I have a worldwide Panasonic warranty on it.


    I was thinking I would just have to cop the bill for a new screen, but from your posts it seems that it would be cheaper for me to buy a whole new camera. I also suspect now that maybe there is a more underlying problem with cameras - not sure though... Mine is only a matter of months old too.


    Have you had to foot the bill or have you made any progress with Panasonic?




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