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Posts posted by marcloiselle

  1. <p>Hi Bob,<br /> I had and still have the same problem with white balance changing....It took a while pefore i found the problem.....It is your nose pushing on white balance button while you change speed.That's it!!...Just be carefull when you look in your camera....It's a big nose problem!!!...</p>
  2. <p>Thanks Andrew and Shun,<br>

    I already have the first version of the sigma 70-200 2.8.Good lense but didn't get great shots in low light situation (Band shows).<br>

    I'm a bit sick and tired of soft shots in this situation.The OS option is a must for me now.I know that the Nikon is the lense i should get but i was curious to read from users of the New Sigma.<br>

    The new version has a great look.....like it!.</p>

  3. <p>I own Nikon D-300 and D-7000.I was wondering if the image quality of the New sigma 70-200 OS is pretty good.I'm looking for a Nikon 70-200 vr II and read about it that it's the great one....but the new sigma OS look's interesting and the price too.Is there really a big difference in image quality of those lenses.<br>

    I would like to know from users what are there comments about this!</p>

    <p> Thanks everybody!......Marc</p>

  4. I recently had a message from Peter to let me know that my pictures were on the

    Linkinn website.My name is there but I never gave any autorisation to anybody

    to put these pictures on this site. If someone can copy pictures on photo.net

    for personnal use is this example is legal?.I've notice that a lot of other

    pictures coming from photo.net photographers were posted on this site..


    Thank you....Marc

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