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Image Comments posted by wimbo


    I shot it with a plastic Holga camera so sharpness (or lack thereof) is an intrinsic feature of all Holga photos. Thank you so much for your comments, though. These are even more valuable than number ratings and I will take your comments to heart in examining this shot more closely. Thanks!
  1. How's it going, Alan? I love the energy of this photo. I love that we can percieve the motion of the noodle maker's arms. The little girl's expression is worth a million bucks! The reflections on the glass bother me a bit because I would have loved to have seen the more of the people and street on the other side. But once again, this is a perfectly captured moment. This is the feel I was going for but did not get as well as you on my photo called 'Night Cooks". Once again, I am learning a lot from your photographs. Thank you!

    Tour Guide


    Thanks for your time. This photo was taken at the entrance to The

    Forbidden City in Beijing, China. Your comments are gretaly appreciated.


    Thank you so much for your comment. This shot was taken on Lantern Street in the city of Fuzhou, China. That red board just drew my eye as it was a dreary day. I guess the Holga was 'on' on this shot.

    Phone Booth

    This booth is right across the street from the exit to the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It was pretty cold out. To my right and out frame, I had a street vendor trying to get me to buy some knock off Rolex watches.
  2. Taken on Valentine's Day in Fuzhou, China. With the help of a translator, we found this Calligraphy artist. He invited us into his home / studio. I asked him to paint my newly adopted daughter's Chinese and American names (we are keeping her Chinese name as her middle name) in Chinese characters. He did so with a thick paint brush on two long pieces of cloth. I will hang them in Charlotte's room as a constant reminder of her Chinese heritage.


    Thank you for the comment, David. And thank you for putting that Holga in my hands last Thanksgiving. I've had so much fun with them! Thank you for your friendship that teaches and inspires me. Every day.
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