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Image Comments posted by jamastersphotos

  1. Thanks in advance, this is my first photo to put up for critique



    I know there are an infinite number of sunset photos, but something

    about the way the sun seems to want to explode from behind the

    clouds keeps bringing me back to this particular shot as a favorite

    of mine. The colors are original, only darkened via a neutral

    density graidient from the middle of the frame upwards. What do you



    I have never critiqued a photo here, but this one stopped me in my tracks. Everything in the photo draws you to the girl's eyes. Look low in the photograph, you end up following the line of her arm to her face and eyes. Look at the door and it's lines lead you to her eyes as well. To me it's a striking photograph that works at a gut level when you just glance at it, and also when you stop and think it stays a striking photo. Well done. Lighting, composition, although a bit unconventional, works well too. Maybe more so because it is unconventional.
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