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Posts posted by ef2.eight

  1. It means your lens,for example the 50mm f/1.4 will really show you what an 80mm lens would show you. Because the 1.6x crop sensor does not have a full sensor. It has %40 of a Full Frame sensor. I.e: like the EOS 1DSMKii or EOS 5D or Canon Film SLR's. It doesnt mean you will have the zoom or close-ness of an 80mm lens. Meaning your 100mm lens wont zoom in to 160mm like a 160mm lens. It will just mean you will see less. Your sensor is seeing less than what the lens can capture/project onto the sensor.

    It means your wide angle, for example 17mm-40mm will not be ultra wide of 17mm,but rather about 28mm. So regular wide angle not ultra wide.

  2. The 50-500 is a sharp lens!

    Get it without thinking because it is pretty similar if not better than the 100-400. I speak of experience. I bought one,sold it and bought it again. Really good lens. Weight is not an issue really. You dont feel its weight or you quickly get used to it. Light is your friend.

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