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Image Comments posted by brholmes2000



    i like this photo alot but i would have cut out the arm of the person in the way. I understand why you kept it because you really have no choice because you would have missed the shot if you cut it out. But then again that's the only thing about taking photos you don't know wheather the shot is going to create it's self or you have to create it. i love the color and the story behind this photo all in all a very nice photo





    I was really trying to caputre the great landscape that is in Manchester Ma. I have always

    loved the change of the seasons as you can tell i like to take alot of landscape photos.

    Thanks for your intrests in my work i have alot of fun working in photography.


    I tried to take such a photo. but you know how hard it is you have to get the right time of the year and the right time of the day. i love this photo cause it eather says that fishermen are out really early in the day or out late in the day good job eather way i can appreciate the tuffness in the decistion into weather or not to put it online


    this photo is very deep she looks like she got her toy taken away or told not to do something she was really trying to do. i love the flowers in the background i wonder where it was taken in all a great photo



    I thought that it was funny that this flower was almost chosen to be lit. the light almost cuts

    through all the grass to highlight this flower. At first when i took it i was going to just show

    the flower and crop the rest of the photo but as i looked at it i thought it might be a good

    idea to keep the photo as it is. What Do You Think??



    I took this photo while i was thinking about what i want to do with my life. Although you

    can't see down the road signs will direct you to the right path. The thing that we have to do

    is choose weather to go that way or choose a diffrent path, which might seem to be the same

    path at first but acctually they are completly diffrent.



    I am trying to take some diffrent kind of photo i appreciate any and all feedback i took this

    one day i took a walk just down the street from my house. I love color a setting a mood this

    reminds me of blues music and also being alone. What does it remind you of??

  1. Shooting indoors i have found that it is very difficult. Gong to a higher ISO is not Just konw what you are going to get Much more noise. Lower less and higher more. this is a great i like how you captured the boy who is shooting's gracefullness and concentration. When you are shooting in an enviroment like a middle or high school lighting is going to be terrable you have to espect it try to work with what you got. you are doing just fine. keep up the good work i also like the photo of the girl who is flipping don't listen the the other person you did a good job. i always say who cares what is in the background as long as what you are trying to capture is in focus, and in your case it is.
  2. depth is great, color is great, and you captured the great composition of the blue sky. i like this photo. Mt don't take up the photo but you wont forget that they are there. I don't know if that was your idea but that's what I get just by looking at this photo.



    Halloween is a great time in salem. One way to tell is by how

    serious they are with all the decorations. Great time and detail is

    put in to every little bit of poster, wax sculpture and event.

    Events will last from the first of the month until the 31st of the




    If you are looking for a place to chill and think this is going to be the place see the sun rise

    and to the right you will watch it set. One and a million spots

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