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Posts posted by alejandrovelardephotograph

  1. <p>I appreciate everyone's contribution to this forum. It is definitely a grey area.<br>

    I do plan on getting a release as I start shooting for business; however, right now I am just ready to start promoting and I really don't have any business yet, therefore, no real permission to take any photos of any properties.<br>

    One thing I am trying to do is contact people I know to get that permission and shoot some homes/businesses but it is not as easy when it comes for people to have their property shown in a website. So my idea was to walk around San Francisco and photograph the exterior of some nice houses (not celebrities) and some nice buildings (without the permission). My fear is any legal implication as a result of this action. It seems more logical to not post anything that I don't have a written release or at least the permission of someone I know well.<br>

    Thanks again</p>

  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    I am starting a side business doing Architectural and Interior photography. Since I have to put a portfolio together, I was wondering if I need a Property release form to photograph, let's say, some one's house (exterior) and put it in my website as part of my initial portfolio.<br>

    Based on some research I did, it seems like I may need a release as I would be promoting a service; I guess it comes down to whether these photos are being used for "commercial" purpose or not. So, if someone knows for sure how this should be treated, I would greatly appreciate some feedback or confirmation of my assumption.<br>

    Thank you,<br>


  3. <p>I am considering buying a monitor Apple Cinema Display 30". In all honesty, I wouldn't consider this size and prize if it werent' because the smaller sizes are no longer sold in mate finish.<br>

    Before, I owned a Cinema Display 20" and it was almost perfect except that it was too small. Then I bought a 24" imac and I really don't like the glossy finish screen and the colors/brightness didn't look right so I ended up installing some freeware (I think it is called Shades) to fix it and it did. Since the prints turned out the way I saw the images in the monitor.<br>

    The reason why I am considering a new monitor is because I want to upgrade to a Macbook Pro and therfore I need a new monitor but again, I think Apple is just ripping people off with those prices for such an old monitor.<br>

    Could you please recommend a monitor that is maybe as good as or better than the 30" (mate finish) Apple Cinema Display but at a much better price?</p>

    <p>Thank you in advance.</p>


  4. <p>Hi Michael,<br>

    Thank you so much. This looks like an excellent system.<br>

    I do a lot of photography in San Francisco and some times in Yosemite and I always have to do a rough guess of where the moon will raise so I can position myself according to the subjects I am photographing. It seems like that won't be a problem ever again.</p>

    <p>Thank you again.</p>


  5. <p>Update....I went to a large well known photography store. They suggested I don't use Dust-Aid. They sell it but they only use Visble Dust products to perform cleaning services. Bottom line, in their opinion the swabs from Visible Dust continue to be the best tool to clean sensors.<br>

    I also found a solution which cleans the brush from the artic butterfly and will give it a try at only $10.95<br>

    <a href="http://www.adorama.com/CPVSBC.html?searchinfo=visible+dust">http://www.adorama.com/CPVSBC.html?searchinfo=visible+dust</a><br>

    Since I've been using the swabs from Visible Dust for a while, I guess I will continue to use them. However, I am still curious to see how the Dust-Aid Platinum performs. Let's see what other people has to say in the future.<br>

    Thanks everyone for your input.<br>

    Ciprian, you can find visible dust products in many photography stores such as Calumet and also on the website such as Amazon, Adorama and B&H.<br>

    <a href="http://www.adorama.com/searchsite/default.aspx?searchinfo=visible%20dust">http://www.adorama.com/searchsite/default.aspx?searchinfo=visible%20dust</a></p>

  6. <p>Hi Geoff and Mark,<br>

    I do own a visible dust artic butterfly brush but I stopped using it because every single time I put it in contact with the sensor it would leave a layer (like glue) and I would need to use the swabs to clean it.<br>

    I even bought the solution to clean the brush but it didn't help. I think, at some point, I may have touched the glue/rubber type of protection around the sensor and therefore ruin the brush.<br>

    Did this ever happen to any of you?</p>


  7. <p>Hi,<br>

    I recently bought the 5D Mark II and I am trying to find a good product to clean my sensor. I have read mix reviews about using Dust-Aid Platinum. I liked it because it seems easy and I could use it to clean my 5D MII or my 50D.<br>

    Some people say it is great, other say it is good but you almost always need to combine your cleaning with the wet wands also from Dust-Aid and there are those who believe this product is disappointing. I couldn't find enough reasons to believe either way.<br>

    Could you please advise on this product or any product that you believe it is reliable to clean my sensor?<br>

    Thank you for your help.<br>



  8. <p>I installed Lightroom 2 in my iMac about a month ago and since then, the computer is getting slower and slower only when I am working with Lightroom 2.<br>

    I believe I have all the system requirements: Mac OS X 10.5.6, 1GB RAM, etc. For the past year I used Lightroom 1 and never experienced such problems. Now, the pictures take forever to display, to zoom or remove spots, and when I start using the new tools such as brush it makes things even worse, I can be 30 sec to a min waiting and nothing happens.<br>

    To give you a little more background, I installed the full version of Lightroom 2 not the upgrade (got it as a present) when I still had Lightroom 1 because I didn't want to loose the adjustments I had done to hundreds of pictures, but I wonder if something went wrong during the installation. Now I had removed Lightroom 1 from my computer but the problem persists.<br>

    I was wondering if I should re-install Lightroom 2 from scratch but I am afraid I will loose all my adjustments. Could you please give me some suggestions on how I can either correct this problem or re-install Lightroom 2 while keeping my work? I also read somewhere that I should install the software from the desktop not from the disk.<br>

    Thank you in advance for your help.<br>


    P.S. Don't know if this matters but the pictures come either from a 5D Mark II or a 50D which I know are bigger.</p>

    <p> </p>

  9. Well, recently meaning about 4 months. I made a trip to the southwest Utah and Arizona and I was hiking a lot, changing lenses constanly and I was in upper and lower Antelope Canyon which are pretty dusty.

    I would say that on average I clean my sensors (with a swab) 3-4 times a year. If I use the brush (visible dust butterfly) for some reason I get spots that look like oil or something, so I need to use the swabs anyway. By the way, I bought a solution to clean the brush but it still makes my sensor dirty.

  10. Hi All,


    I have used sensor cleaning swabs in several occasions to clean the sensors of my 20D and 30D and I've never had a problem (I tried to

    be very gentle and careful). I recently bought a 40D and unfortunately the automatic sensor cleaning system is not removing all the dust. I

    already tried blowing the dust off and the spots are still there.


    Could you please tell me if it is OK to clean the sensor in the 40D with swabs the same way I did in the past with my 20D and 30D? Since

    it has this new vibration system, I don't know if I would damage it or not.


    Thank you,



  11. Thank you both for your responses.


    Matt, this is a law firm, I really don't know how big but considering that I live in San Francisco, I assume the have some $ and also some business around.


    Dan, thanks for the information. I have not had the chance to look at it in detail yet as I am at work (my other work) but I will very soon.


    Thanks again,



  12. Hi,


    I do photography on the side and there is a local company that wants to

    license some of my pictures for their website. Most likely, they will be used

    in the Home Page and maybe in secondary pages. He also mentioned he would like

    the shots for indefinite term because they don't know how long they will need



    I only sell prints, so I really don't know how to deal with this. Could anyone

    guide me telling me how much on average I could charge for image for home page

    and for secondary pages and maybe any other tips that I should take into

    consideration? Also, should I specify a time in the contract? I imagine I



    Thank you,



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