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Posts posted by danielletoews

  1. Hey I have to laugh this thread came up when I was doing a search. I did finally figure out how to add pictures so I guess I might as well now.







    <a href=" baby bummy title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/57/176170741_1411837334_o.jpg" width="600" height="600" alt="baby bummy" /></a>


    <a href=" puddle jumper title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/77/177038514_06060c1543_o.jpg" width="464" height="650" alt="puddle jumper" /></a>

  2. Yes, it was uploaded and asked for CC on the same day which was in the last three days. There are photos of mine in the top photos from days before I uploaded these even so it should be in there but isn't. Thanks for trying to help I really appreciate it. It would seem even though I'm a paid member I don't seem to matter to the site judging from how helpful the site has been. So your kindness in trying to help means even more. Thank you!
  3. I posted two photos today one showed up in the forum but one didnt' so I

    deleted it. I checked back later and that photo that did show up was now gone.

    It's not because of being bumped due to new requests in the forum. I saw where

    my photo was sandwhiched between others and they are still there but mine is


    It was getting rated since it had nine votes but has since stopped receiving

    any so I don't think that it's even in the rate photo show anymore.


    Help am I the only one? I tried emailing about it but have not recieved a

    response yet.


    I'll try to add the image if not here is the link to the page it's on






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