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miguel rizo

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Posts posted by miguel rizo

  1. 1.- Have a look to the "white" in the scene: the newspaper + the basket with toys + the teddy bears in the back.

    They are underexposing the scene, they reflex too much the light from the flash and the camera thinks there is light enough and underexpose (I suppose you know what I�m talking about).


    2.- The camera takes the child and the surroundings as principal scene, so the background gets darker. Read the first part of Kenneth Katz answer.

    If the background were more far away, you would have get and underexpose child (because of the whites) and a completely black background.

    Look at this example. The snail is ok, the leaf just behind is underexpose and everything more far away completely dark. Is the same principle but used to get more of it.

    Good luck in your next picture!

  2. Hello Nathan. As a horse vet and an amateur insect photograph I should be the right person to answer your question ;0)

    If you want to take pictures of the fly on the horse, sorry to say it want be easy, at least a close picture of them. The horse maybe will not collaborate too much. The easier way to do it is trying to go to the stables early in the morning. Her are the flies more sleepy and so easier to catch them. I suppose you have a macro lens or at least a 200-300 mm with a good close-lens (double spherical macro lens +3, f. ex.) This tele has the advantage that you don't need to get to close to them to get a reasonable good picture, and it will be easier to get a picture of them on the horse.

    Try to get a picture and the horse while trying to catch them with the tail; it will help to explain how they irritate the horse. They also bite themselves when the fly bits. This is very typical and very illustrative.

    About the technique to the photo, if you donメt have experience in macro, let me tell you that with a normal TTL flash out of the camera you can get very good picture. You donメt need anymore. Just remember to light the fly from the top, and you will get nice pictures. Remember to put the flash in +ᄑ, +1, the flies are dark and they use to be better a little bit overexposed.

    Be lucky and remember: all the horses kick!

  3. What we need, is to try to "teach" the people of this forum to do research and to read the manuals (cameras and flashes) before beginning to ask in this forum. We could avoid A LOT of questions in the forum and so made it better.

    We all need to learn, so I'm not complaining about "simple" questions (what is "simple" anyway). And not always is possible to find the right research.

    Maybe we could try to (very kind) ask for it, IN BIG LETTERS, IN RED LETTERS, when somebody is trying to post a question. Something they just CANNOT avoid seeing and thinking of it, something that made they think twice before asking. Not frightening them, but making they think about this entire people, who use lot of their free time in this forum just for helping.

    I know there is something like this actually, but maybe not emphasized enough.




    Well, is just the idea, I cannot do it better in English, but sure you can.

  4. Hello Bob,

    if you look at your flash unit manual (read it!, that is why is was made for ;0) )you will find the CF, custom function. The CF6 (at least in my MR 14X) will allow you to change the DOF button betwen a modeling flash and a DOF function. The CF 4 will made the test firing button to a uniform modeling flash.

    Anyway, read the manual. Today are the cameras and flashes very complex electronics machines, and the full reading and understanding of the manual is a must.

    The DOF function in the 20D is just the same as DOF in any analog camera.

    Good photo luck!


  5. Thanks you all. Momo, I tryed to made a review before posting my question, but I didn�t find what you sent me. Anyway, it looks like the problem is in the projector, not in the digital photos it self. Should I asume that when in 5-8 years (?), a good and afordable digital projector cames, I will be able to se my EOS 20D digital pictures in high quality 150x150 cm?

    Is it thecnichal problems that made it difficult to made a very good (and afordable) digital projector, or is it that there is no marketing interes?

  6. (Please, if this question doesn�t fiks in this forum, be free to

    remove/change it)

    After many years working with Dias and making high quality 100x100 cm

    (150x150 cm)dias show in the old way, I want to go digital. EOS 20D

    is my choice (eos 5D is toooo expensive - I have plenty og CANON

    objetives). Will the highest resolution (3504x2336 pixels and 3,6 MB

    in JPEG, 8,7 MB in RAW) be enough to project my pictures in as good

    quality as in the old days 100x100 cm?

    Will it make any different shooting in 3,6 MB JPEG or in 8,7 MB RAW?

    (talking about projections quality, nothing about procesing, white

    balance, ...)





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