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Image Comments posted by frank_soe1

    Smokey Mountains


    Hi Kandi

    HDR is great, but you have to "tone" it down a bit. In my humble opinion the best HDR's are the one were you cant tell it is a HDR. Trust me... I started out just like you... couldn't get enough :o) 

    Try this: open the picture in Photoshop and on top on this, in a layer open one of the pictures from which you made the HDR. It should be the one where the leaves in the front are best exposed... align the layers, and then with an adjustment mask, paint back the mountains and skies. 

    Let me know if you try it. 

    Have a nice weekend 

    Frank Soe



    Hi all. 

    Thank you for all your comments, I really appreciate all of them.

    I totally agree, a HDR picture is best if you don't notice it is a HDR :o) 

    /Frank Soe

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