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Image Comments posted by nelisarova

  1. This is my first time shooting a model and as I don't own any special

    lighting equipment, I decided to take it outside. We had some issues.

    An extremely high on who knows what crap male and female wouldn't

    leave us alone but then they eventually wandered away. Then my model

    didn't like the smelly alley I persuaded her to go into so I only had a few

    shots before she had enough of the smell. I went out shooting midday

    when the sun was at its most brutal but I ended up enjoying the shoot

    more than the days when I used to shoot abandoned buildings in Detroit.


    Is it possible to continue shooting models outside in a street setting with

    natural light or should I eventually purchase some speedlights? Or

    maybe get a lens that works well in low light?


    Thank you for any help!!


    I love the geometry and tone of this! How you doing you! Your work is always so awesome, I'm just pissed I haven't took the time to appreciate it more lately. You heard about the thugfoolery of the D mayor recently?


    Yea, I feel this shot. This capture is def. not dull or lacking in focus. It has a power in the light and the way it softly brushes the land.

    left out

    Hey, this is a cool social commentary! I feel like this photo speaks of that someone that is always left out, for whatever reason. The cart looks normal enough, it would be interesting if it were bent or had some flaw and then it would make the left out feeling even stronger. Really nice work.



    Bokeh... what in hell is that? Doesn't matter because this photo is edgy! I love it! Focused photography is nice, sometimes, other times, a feel for a photo creates more creative shots. Btw, your a cutie!



    Powerful and dark feeling from your photo. Natural light is beautiful and good job with all your photos. Shooting for two months and creating art.


    Wooo yea! I like a lot as well. I've never seen an image like this one. Its very imaginative and its quite hard to portray urban scenes like this one in a creative way, but you did and its cool!

    Black & White

    Whoa a parking stripe! This fucks with your eyes. Mind tricks..! My mind isen't too reliable anyway, pic or not, so yea... it messed with J's eyes as well huh. I like the out of focus portion. It contributes to the feel of the photo even more.


    Oh..! Most beautiful and real woman I've ever seen. I think this is also the most tender photo as well. That look of love seems to be directed at the photographers eyes instead of the lens, and its just a very sweet moment. It seems like that anyway.
  2. Hey John. Good to hear you believe in comfort, but then again you aren't eastern european. I wasen't complaining about sore feet, I've never even worn those damn things before. I was just commenting on how expected it is of a woman to act like women in bulgaria and other parts of the world.


    No, its not a russian thing with the 'va'. In bulgaria the 'a' is added to the last name if it is a woman.


    Men are animals eh? I always thought if someone loved you, they wouldn't be thinking of other people, but then again maybe thats why I like women and not animals, heh.


  3. Your right on about the male dominance thing. Its the exact same thing in Bulgaria, and a cultural part of the country that just won't go away, no matter how much the west influences. I queass it could be delightful, when you step back and look at it, the way that women willingly pander to the tastes of men. They look good, yet it becomes an obsession. Its almost like your viewed as not being worthy of anyones time if you don't meet the physical criteria expected of you. Its damn right annoying actually. Its funny walking the city streets without heels and wearing anything comfortable. Frowns, stares, and rude comments follow everytime. Accusations of being American get spit out, even though you may not be, and its just way too much pressure being placed on looking perfect. I love my country...yet I love how America has a healthier attitude about how one looks. I like how your picture made me think, great photo.
  4. O...this made me laugh so hard! Your right, it is overkill, especially when you put it into perspective with that drainage ditch. In the rich suburbs of Michigan where I unwillingly reside, I've noticed this obession with people to pretend that the outer apperance is prestine, that investing in ones apperance comes first, instead of last. Thanks for the laugh and reflection.
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