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Image Comments posted by leonardo

  1. One of my first shots with my new tele-zoom during street theatre

    festival here in Delft, the Netherlands..


    These artists made music while juggling - the squares were connected

    to a drum computer - when a ball hit the surface, a drum or other

    noise became audible


    Thank you for watching..



    One of my first shots with my new telezoom

    during street theatre festifal here in Delft, the Netherlands..

    thanks for watching

    My Mala


    Like this photo a lot - Nice nateral feeling

    Think the positioning is more interresting than the "standard" with more space on the left side..


  2. Nice start.

    I like the way she looks

    Dont like the bleu plastic chair end other items on the background.


    please allow me to give you some suggestions:


    - try taking a lower viewpoint


    - try natural dayligthting


    - try a to use cleaner or less "disturbing" background


    Best wishes





    Did you hear...


    I am new to photo.net - this was one of my first self-developed

    films - I caught these ladies early in the morning on a historical

    16th century marketplace in France - Feedback is very highly




    I wonder why the "eye-white is greenish" while the "teeth-white" is more or less white.. ?

    Is this a matter of Post Proc or are we talking lizard lady here ;-)


    Strong picture whatsoever


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