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Posts posted by justscattin

  1. I have to agree...crashing a wedding really isn't the way to go. Talk to a photographer and see if you can go along as a second is the correct way to do it. Then you may be able to use some of the captured images in your portfolio. If you crash a wedding then use the images as to get business, you may find yourself in a lot of legal trouble!


  2. I would request that the florist get a subpoena to get the images. That way, the bride in no way can come back on you about it. I would explain to the florist (who should understand) that because of the client/photographer situation, you can't sell her the images. I know you are trying to keep out of the middle of this while keeping a working relationship with the florist and a good relationship with the bride. What an icky situation to be in.


  3. I believe that the BandG will love this image. Personally, I find it very appealing as well. My focus stays on the couple and their apparent happiness. It works well for me. If it works for the B&G, that's all that matters.


  4. Send a letter indicating the phone call and that you have reopened the date to other couples as it is a first come first serve service. That will either motivate her to get it done, or it allows you to book someone else.


  5. I shoot for the bride and groom. I must say though that my brides and grooms are prequalified as far as knowing my style of shooting. Although I am not a big fan of posed traditional stuff, I do it as they are paying the bill, however, I make sure that I shoot my style as well and they have the choice. I do my best to cover what the parents want as well as many times, they are the one footing the bill for the photography.


  6. At least you've been asked. I shot a wedding 2 summers ago and was followed around by the video guy. Honestly he did nothing for himself...videoed all my shots, ect, which, yes I expected BUT I did not make a move in which I did not back into him, elbow him, or trip over him...frustrating, but I got over it and did my job...


    THEN....a year later at a bridal show I went to so I could prep for my own wedding...he was there, using the video from the wedding I had shot...with my images on the video (the bride and groom gave them to him)...which wouldn't have been that big a deal, except I listened to him tell a bride that HE TOOK THE PICTURES! I confronted him on the spot...apprently, I didn't look the way I did the day of the photography.

    He had the balls to tel lme to my face that he personally knew the photographer at the wedding and she okayed it. uuummm....NOT!

    Needless to say, I contacted my lawyer who contacted him and everything got straightened out.


    By all means provide the images WITH A STIPULATION that YOU are given credit for the images!


  7. Thank you all for your input. I have added my name and moved the text over a bit so it isn't so close to her. The background is not blurred....it was acutally a very ugly stained wall that I burned in a bit here and there. The image on my computer is much clearer and cleaner that it appears here...not sure why...I suppose my upload compression or whatever its called is off.

    After studying it today and talking to some clients who saw it, I'm very happy with this as a business card and will be keeping it!

    Thank you everyone.


  8. Thank you for your comments. I shot the image at an angle on purpose...hehehe...on of the "my style" things I mentioned that is not for everyong. The brides who hire me expect things like this so it's upfront on the cards and something they are looking for. The darkness lends towards the "thought" of a wall and floor without actually being a WALL even though it was obviously there and quite ugly during the wedding. Yes, I definately need to have my name on there. Don't know where my head was during that!


  9. Locally, I have seen so many business cards (and not just from other

    photographers) that have so much on them that it's distracting and

    unappealing. It's the time of year when I design my new cards and here is the

    one I have come up with to promote my wedding/human photography. I want it

    clean, basic and elegant. I know this type of images is not for everyone, but

    it is for my and my style and the type of clients who hire me.

    Your thoughts?


  10. If someone is doing this (it has to be an extreame case) I end up "IN" the shot...by accident of course. I don't care if someone takes an image now and again, but if they are in the way...that's it.

    It also states in my contract that no one else can be shooting while I'm taking a picture. Usually works 'cause the bride always warns people before hand to stay out of the way and not to shoot when I'm shooting. I did accidently step on a man's toes once when I was moving back for a shot and he was shooting over my shoulder and I didn't know it. He didn't do it again!


  11. A thought...I've done several shows over the last few years and there is always a photographer there with the clothes line and clips. Honestly, it looks tacky and cheap for wedding photography. You don't want cute.....you want "AMAZING...THAT IS THE PHOTOGRAPHER FOR ME!" I built a board using 3 separte pieces that fold in, covered it in black velvet and put approriately spaced nails on it to hang 11X14s and 8X10s. I also had a huge 30X40 inch image on an easel and put framed 5X7's and 5X5's on my table. I put hersy's kisses in cheap black netting cut to 7X7 inch squares and tied it at the top with red ribbon (cheap) and did up a special business card sized label with something along the lines of "Make your wedding photography red hot with About You Photography".

    Don't sit at the booth, stand, be open, smile and engage each person...bride or not...who comes to your booth. DO NOT HAVE A CELL PHONE ON YOU! Another total turn off.



  12. My own thoughts is that it doesn't look like a bridal show at all. They are images of the bride and groom, something special for them to share with the wedding guests. I don't think that anyone would think it would even come across as advertising...it would if it were just random shots of something with nothing to do with the bride and groom, but because the images are focused around them, it is just an addition to the entire celebration....and, if people pick up your cards and get your name, all the better for you.


  13. I think something like this offered of the engagment session for my two top end packages would be great. 5 or 6 popping images prominately displayed for the guests to look at during the receptition. A little added marketing.

    I don't think anyone would like it would be overboard...just about the bride and groom.


  14. I think this is fabulous! A thought about the easels...COVER them with appropriate fabric...a black or a white that will not detract from your lovely images! I use fabric to cover my mismatched easels at my bridal shows, etc and it works wonderfully and helps keep the viewer's attention on the image and not looking behind it.


  15. Okay, bells and whistles...sounds to me first of all that they (over the last 4 months) have been getting all the resulting bills and realizing how much more that was spent and they are looking for ways to cover their bills...

    YOU! You already provided them with a cd that was undoubtedly copied and copied and probably distributed those copies among friends and family. SECOND...the bride had an album made? By someone besides you? Do you allow this and do you guarantee SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK? Uuuummmm....NO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because she took the cd and had someone else create an album of your images that would automatically flag it for me....ABSOLUTELY NO REFUND. She has gotten everything she wanted from you to this point and now just wants her money back because she can get it if you allow that to happen.

    Sit down with the coordinator separately from the bride and groom and discuss this. The coordinator doesn't really know what goes into your work, but you do. Then, sit down with the bride and groom and get a straight story (have the coordinator there so if the story starts to change, you know it!)...ask why YOU should be responsible for an album NOT created by YOU?

    Start there and go...but as far as I and my professional photography studio go and our policies...They have actually used your images more than enough to justify the money paid to you to this point...offer to create an album for them....but charge them for it! And make it a kick ass album! SHOW them why YOU are the professional! And ask to see the crappy album that someone else made representing your work. And say something along the lines of "You are right. I would not have paid this guy to do this to my images either. He/she should refund your money! He totally misrepresenting MY work."


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