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Posts posted by nick_blank

  1. Aloha Alan!

    "Absolute best" is a pretty subjective thought. If it were that definable, a lot of

    competition would have gone out of business. Your best might be my rejection and

    everyone seems to have a favorite. I would check around in your area for darkrooms

    downsizing or simply blinking out of existence. I got my beloved Omega B8 for free long

    with 6 B22s from a commercial darkroom downsizing. ( Now I am trying to find homes for

    the 22s! ) All came with cold lights or color heads and "XL" rails to go big on the easel. I

    have had "bad" enlarger lenses so I feel they do matter. I found a Nikkor 75mm for cheap

    and now know why. This is one area where great equipment can be had for very little for

    obvious reasons. Save some from the trash heap! You might be like me and have several to

    choose from.


  2. I bought one and had some worthy results. The shutter issue for me was to use the barn

    doors with a locking cable release. At f 250+, time exposures were the norm, usually

    several seconds at a low iso in the sun. Fun depth of field and a gritty primative look not

    common for Hassy users. I have yet to try it with my bellows and work out the exposure

    including reciprocity. It would seem to cut the angle of view and increase sharpness. I say

    go for it! Let go of Carl Zeiss fo once!



  3. Sounds like a great ride, Don! I would look for a good packing set up rather than

    modification. The lowe top loader 70 can get rigged to your chest and has good weather

    protection. I think I would also look for a wider glass, didn't there used to be a smaller

    60C 5.6 ? I've been thinking about bringing mine on rides as well but haven't got to it. I'll

    try the pack this week with a old 60C 3.5 and let you know what it feels like to me.

    Aloha, Nick

  4. Obviously we have struck a nerve here.


    I cannot deny there is a different feeling when using a Hasselblad and there is an effect on

    my shooting. Speaking only for my self, I also feel a difference riding a classic Italian

    racing bike over a fine current model. It may have less to do with technical factors and

    more with esthetics. Knowing it's orgin and history has an effect in my case. I feel a

    commitment to live up to the expectations of it's creators and so, try harder. Others may

    be free from this. I have no desire to drive a BMW or the like because, for me, a car is to

    get me from one place to another and to do so in the most efficient and practical way. It is

    all I need, so a Toyota will do.

    Now that film is old school, all the goodies are finally available for cheap so why should I

    save a little and miss the subtle difference. It is not for everyone which is also good.

    Use what works for you.

    Nick in Hawaii

  5. Dreams can come true !

    An estate liquidation of Hasselblad stuff came into my local consignment shop! I picked up

    a 60mm C T* that was pretty fair shape and had the hood cross threaded tightly on. For

    under $200 I thought I could live with it. Now I want to use filters and would like to take a

    crack at wrenching it off. A simple grip and turn doesn't do it. I can see some distortion of

    the lens barrel at the threads so I know it won't be easy! Should I apply some light

    lubricant in very small amounts to the area? I would consider sending it out and do a CLA

    as well but will Hasselblad work on a C model any more? I would like to know where else I

    should go if not. Yes there were other goods to be gotten and I lost sleep over the chance

    at a wide c that went to ebay the moment I decided to go for it. (Sigh ! ) I did snap up a

    bellows and 135 mm so I am happy.

    Thanks for all your interest, Nick in Hawaii

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